Chapter 43

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With newfound confidence, Cedric went over to Maddie who had sat under a tree to rest a while. Cedric hoping his new plan would convince her to stay in enchancia and break things off with Tom. He arrived at where Maddie was and sat with her. They would talk again like old friends with no one to interrupt them. Madisyn had left to give the two some privacy. They'd been separated for long enough. After talking under the tree, Cedric helped her on her feet and took her somewhere.

It was Sofia's secret garden. Cedric knew about it because he had asked her long before Tom came into the picture if he could use it one day to confess to Maddie. Now isn't how he imagined it but he didn't care. He had to tell her he loved her again and hope that she confesses too this time. They arrived at the garden and Cedric led her through the door. The garden was beautiful. And with a little magic from Cedric, it got even better. Maddie was in awe at it all. Cedric helped her walk around the garden.

'You're waking meadows in my mind, making waves across my time. Oh, no. Oh, no I got a strange magic. Oh, what a...' Maddie said looking around

'Strange magic,' they said together

'Oh, it's a...'

'Strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

Cedric let her walk on her own as he worked his magic. He made fireflies appear and made the area they were in dark so Maddie could see them. She looked beautiful in the middle of the magic of nature.

'You're sailing softly through the sun,' Cedric said smiling

'Softly through the sun,' Maddie repeated smiling

'Of a land I've always known,' Cedric joined her side, 'You fly.'

'You fly,' Maddie looked at him

'So high,' the two started to dance, just like they did before

'So high.'

'I get a...'

'Strange magic,' they danced and sang together, 'Oh, what a strange magic Oh, it's a strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

'Oh, I...' Maddie said smiling

'Oh, I...' Cedric said smiling

'Never gonna be...'

'The same again,' Maddie finished smiling

'Never gonna be the same again,' Cedric repeated smiling

'Now I've seen the way it's got to end.'

'Got to end.'

'Sweet dreams.'

'Sweet dreams.'

'Sweet dreams,' they said smiling, 'Got a strange magic. Oh, what a strange magic. Oh, it's a strange magic. Got a strange magic. Got a strange magic.'

'It's magic,' Maddie said smiling

'It's magic,' Cedric said smiling and putting a flower in her hair

'It's magic.'

'It's magic.'

'It's magic. It's magic'.

Tom had found the two in the garden. He said something wrong while talking to Roland which didn't end well for Tom. He was told to leave so he went to find Maddie first. He saw them dancing very close to each other. So, he pulled Maddie off Cedric and took her away explaining what was going on. She didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. They returned to Asgard where Tom proceed to tell Maddie that he didn't want her talking, seeing, or sending letters to Cedric. But Maddie didn't last through the lecture because she suddenly fainted.

Tom caught her and brought her to her bedroom. He had a doctor check on her to see what was the problem. Maddie woke up just after the doctor arrived. After a lengthy check up, it was deduced that Maddie had been poisoned and close to death. Not only that, she was also dying of a broken heart. And she had a day or two left to live. This broke her heart even more. She's dying and she never even gave her family and Cedric a proper goodbye. But this explains her fatuge, coughing, mental confusion, and being sick.

But who could've poisoned her? Why would they poison her? She wanted to blame Maria but then she started to connect the dots. His father died because the doctors deduced that he had been poisoned. His mother recently died and had the same symptoms as Maddie. And now Maddie suddenly has the same symptoms as Tom's parents. Yet Tom hadn't gotten it. So either he's gotten lucky or he was the one behind it. That night, Maddie left her room to find any evidence that he was behind this. And found all the evidence she needed.

In Tom's office, she found the poison which was almost empty, who he plans to kill next, and why he's doing it. He poisons the people who are in his way of getting what he wants, so his dad with the throne, people who have failed to do as he asks, so next is Madisyn, and people he doesn't need anymore, and that's Maddie. And no one ever suspected that the king did it because of his charms and good looks. Realising this, she left to go write a letter to her family about it only to faint again since Tom had given her more poison when he gave her some tea earlier.

A maid found her and took her back to her room. She woke up again soon later. Maddie saw the maid and begged her to help. She agreed. Maddie told her to write a letter explaining to her family that she was dying and she wanted them and Cedric here by her side when she did. The maid wrote the letter and left to send it. Maddie was starting to think she was taking her life for granted. One minuet, she was healthy with a normal life, the next, she's close to death. It's all been so fast.

'How far have I fallen? How long 'till it's over? Days all shuffle past my door much like the day before. Gone now, my tomorrow so fast, my tomorrow's gone. The world I left behind, lives only in my mind. The golden sun was warmer then and night would fall much softer. My heart and I remember when the road would rise to bluer skies. Above the moon, a star would shine to home would guide him to me with kisses sweet as summer wine. Back when the world was mine. Nights of shimmering sensations. Days of easy, carefree smiles. Dreams and quiet conversations. I close my eyes and see for miles. The world was so much younger then and burned with hearts on fire. These memories return again like gathered embers so love remembers back when the world was mine!'

All Maddie wants now is for the man she loves to hold her before she dies. And that won't be Tom. That will be Cedric. She's been without him for long enough. If he can do this one thing for her, that would mean the world to her. That's her dying wish.

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