Chapter 4

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I have literally been banging my head against the wall for maybe the last hour! I've been forced to join Sofia's sleepover with Ruby, Jade, Amber, Clio, and Hildegard! On top of that, Cedric tried to steal Sofia's amulet again and failed horribly! I'm not even allowed to go to my room until this sleepover is over! I am slowly dying and losing brain cells being with these eight to nine-year-olds! Say I'm overreacting! I'm too old for sleepovers! Then eventually, much to my delight, they finally fell asleep. Why was I dragged into this again?

I have no idea. But I'm not sleeping in here. I'll just make up an excuse tomorrow. I'm sleeping in my room. Not before reading more sorcery books. I'm making the most of my lessons so I'm going to study a lot. Then I went to sleep. A few days later, I'm not taking lessons from Cedric. Instead, I'm helping with a potion that he can't get right. And it's not because he's bad at magic. I've maybe looked over the potion recipe twenty times and we're getting it right. At one point it blew up on us! That's also when Sofia came to visit. Cedric let her in.

Sofia was asking for help with her Sorcery class. But we had more important things to do than teach her. The mess in here for example. We can't find anything! So, Sofia offered to clean up the workshop in return for lessons. SO BASICALLY SHE'S REPLACING ME! But I don't clean up. Mostly because I'm too busy for it. Cedric agreed to it and shoved her out.

"Maddie! This is what we've been waiting for! I am going to brew up a potion that will make me invisible. Then, while Sofia is busy tidying up the workshop, I'll pour the invisibility potion on myself and disappear. I'll be able to swipe her amulet without her even knowing it. Once the Amulet of Avalor is mine, I can use its power to take over the kingdom. I'll be the first sorcerer to be king. 'King Cedric the First,'" Cedric said smiling

"Then let's get the Amulet, Your Majesty," I said smirking.

"Oh, Mother, Father, if you could only see me now," Cedric said to a painting of his parents, Goodwyn the Great and Winnifred the Wise.

"We can, Cedric. Why do you think we gave you this portrait?" A voice asked as a ball of light came out of it.

"Erm, for my birthday," Cedric said

Goodwyn appeared, "So your mother and I can keep an eye on you. A sorcerer's place is by the king's side, not on his throne."

"Oh, nothing I do is ever good enough for you, is it, father?"

"Goodwyn, let Cedric plan in peace," Winnifred said coming out the portrait too.

"Oh, Winnifred. Why must you encourage him?" Goodwyn asked

Goodwyn disappeared into the portrait again.

"You go get that amulet and make your mummy proud," Winnifred said pinching Cedric's cheek.

She went back into the portrait.

"Ooh! Cedric is a Mummy's boy. How cute," I teased

"Oh, be quiet! But we're going to show them all! Father, and especially King Roland," Cedric said.

'They have always told me since I was a lad that I'm the worst Sorcerer the kingdom's ever had. Whenever things go wrong, King Roland simply stands and claims, "It must be Cedric that's to blame". Anytime I try to cast a little spell, no one thinks it turns out very well. But that won't last for long. It's time for me to make my claim. Soon everyone will know my name!' Cedric tried a spell but it just blew a bubble and burst, making him a little wet.

'All I need to do is swipe that amulet,' he made a fake one appear, 'then I will show them who I am, you bet. Once I have the jewel, I can use its power to take the king's crown, it'll be my finest hour!'

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