Chapter 30

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Today is Tilly's wedding and I don't know what to do. I've just been rushing around trying to help anyone with anything. This is the first wedding I've ever been to so I don't know what I'm supposed to do. All I know is that James is struggling with his Heir-to-the-throne duties. Like how to bow to the royals from different kingdoms I know most of them but not all of them. Cedric has had to teach me a few because I'm still royalty. Well, part-time. Tilly soon arrived with wings! She has them because she used a Whenever Wings Wand and Patty arrived to see Tilly get married. It only casts one spell and that's to give someone wings.

Well, that's obvious because of the name. She wants to use the wand on her and her soon-to-be husband after they've said their vows. Then it was time to go to the throne room for the royal wedding portrait. So, Y/N, Roland, Bella, Erik, Patty, Tilly, Roland's mother, the Grand-Queen, and I stood at the back, and the children stood in front with the heir of the throne in the middle. That was James. Or so I thought. The Grand-Queen told me that Bella had to be in the middle. Um, no. James is the eldest son so he's the heir to the throne.

"James is not the next in line to the throne, Bella is," The Grand-Queen said

"She is?" I asked shocked

"She is?" Roland asked

"Wait, what?" James asked

"I thought James was going to be King," Sofia said

"So did I. So did everyone."

"Don't worry, children, we'll get this all straightened out," Roland said, "Mother, I'm afraid you are mistaken. The firstborn son inherits the throne, like I did."

"Oh, but Roland, dear, that is not how the law is written," the Grand-Queen said

"Mum is right. It's the firstborn child who gets to rule," Patty said

"Indeed. Bella maybe young but she is still years older than James and Amber."

"Making her the future queen!"

Um, no. No, no, no. She's not queen. She's a sorceress. And I'm sure that, since James is the firstborn son, he's next in line. Roland, much like myself, was in disbelief so The Grand-Queen offered to show us proof. We went to the library where she pulled out a book on the rules of the kingdom. And she was right. The firstborn child is the heir. That's Bella.

"But how can this be? If that's the law, then Patty or Maddie would've been offered the throne instead of me," Roland said

"Well, truth be told, I was," Patty said

"You were?" We all asked

"That's right. Many years ago, I was offered the crown, but I couldn't accept it. I knew I wanted to be the future Queen of Arendelle, and that my baby brother would make a much better king and I also fell in love with the future king of Arendelle and had four beautiful children."

"And, when I was offered the crown, but I couldn't accept it either. I knew I wanted to be an adventurer," Tilly said

"And when I was offered the crown, I said no because I was too in love with Cedric to rule." I said.

"But, why didn't anyone ever tell me?" Roland asked

"Because we knew that being king was all you ever wanted. And your father and I knew that it was all you could ever do," the Grand-Queen said

"I guess that's true."

"And we knew you'd be great at it," Tilly said smiling

"Maybe being king is all I ever wanted! Did anyone ever think of that?" James asked

"I'm so very sorry, son, but the law is the law," Roland said.

"But, Bella has been wanting to be a Sorceress with Mr Cedric ever since we came here. Does that mean she can't learn from him anymore?" Sofia asked

"Well, that's her choice. Bella, what do you want to do?" Patty asked

Without hesitation, she said, "I'd like to be a sorceress. I've come too far to turn it down because I'm next in line to the throne. And, besides, I've wanted this my whole life. So, I will pass down the crown to Erik."

Erik did speak up to James saying he didn't even like the king's duties because James said they were boring. That's true. James shot back with his opinion on Erik being king. He doesn't think he'd be a good king since he always cares about his looks and his mask than how others are doing. That's also true. But people can change, as Erik told him. James then just ran away. Poor boy. It must be hard to learn that you're not the heir when you were told you were all your life. Well, we still have a wedding to deal with so we should move on.

Erik took over the Heir-to-the-throne duties and I still didn't know what to do. I've just been observing, speaking with guests, and using magic to fix any problems I've been seeing. And one of the biggest problems I've seen is some flying fish escape their cage. So, me, Erik, Sofia, and James tried to catch them. In the process, Erik touched the King of the Kabalds' hair which you should never do and he lost the ring that Tilly gave him. And Erik was doing so well! Because of all these mistakes he's made, Erik gave the crown back to James.

So, he will be king after all. Baileywick came over telling us the ceremony was about to begin. I just followed Erik back to the others. Only for Sofia and James to run after us to tell Erik, they got the ring back and that she was still the heir to the throne. But we soon had bigger problems. Figuratively and literally. A Kondraki with wings had arrived. A Kondraki is basically a giant octopus. But they don't normally have wings. Everyone ran for cover while I took out my wand. I tried to use the Stupefy spell on it but I couldn't hit it. It's going too fast.

Sofia tried to use the Whenever Wings Wand on it but she couldn't hit it either. So, we all made sure Tilly and the rest of the guests were okay while we figured out what it wanted. It wanted cake. Amber told the guards to protect the wedding cake. So, the Kondraki wants cake? I'll give it cake. I conjured some cake and handed it to James who had offered to lead the Kondraki back to the ocean. As he did that, Sofia took the wings away from the Kondraki and everything was back to normal. But we should get back to the wedding.

We need to make sure Tilly gets married today. Tilly and her new husband got married which ended with Sofia giving them wings with the Whenever Wings Wand just as Tilly asked and Patty was happy to see her little sister get married and I'm happy that my older sister got married. Well, I'm just glad I won't be queen. I'm happy being Cedric's apprentice.

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