Chapter 48

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It's been a few years since Maddie and Cedric got together and they're really happy together. But Cedric has yet to propose. To give you an idea of how long it's been, all the kids are now teenagers. And Severus hasn't liked it much. He has been ready to tell Lilly that he likes her but he had two problems. A few kids in his school had revealed his true personality to the whole school and Lilly so now people are terrified of him and Lilly is dating that other boy that was mentioned.

He returned back to the castle angry and in tears. He hadn't told his parents what happened when they picked him up. They tried to ask but he just lashed out that he didn't want to talk about it. He's always had anger issues ever since he was a child. Patty thought it was because he has a bad opinion on his personality but now she doesn't know. Severus went to his room and showed his true self.

He looked in the mirror at the horror he's been cursed with. No one could love him with a personality like that. He took a took for the fireplace and used it to smash the mirror. He doesn't like to look at it either. Hearing the commotion outside, Maddie went in to see what was wrong. She saw his personality and the broken mirror. But she wasn't scared.

"Severus, why did you break your mirror?" Maddie asked fixing it with her magic.


"I won't. And stop yelling. That's not solving your problems. Now, think about the situation. You think your crush chose someone else because of your personality?"

"It's obvious. Look at me! If Cedric was someone different at home, you wouldn't be with him, now would you?"

"There's a difference between loving someone because of their looks and loving someone for them."

"I've already heard that story. Beauty and the Beast. It's not possible."

"Then I'll tell you a new one," Severus looked at her, 'Once a lass met a lad. "You're a gentle one," said she, "in my heart, I'd be glad if you loved me for me. You say your love is true and I hope that it will be".'

'I'd be sure if I knew that she loved me for me,' Severus said turning away

'Could she be the one you're seeking? Will she be the one you choose? Can you tell her heart is speaking? Her eyes will give you clues.'

Severus looked in the mirror, starting to understand, 'What she sees may be deceiving. Truth lies underneath the skin.'

'Hope will blossom by believing.'

'The heart that lies within,' they said

'I'll be hers. Together we shall always be as one if she loves me for me,' Severus said finally understanding

'Who can say where you'll go,' Maddie said smiling

'I'll be hers,'

'Who can promise what will be.'

'Together we shall always.'

'But she'll stay by your side.'

'Be as one.'

'If she loves you for you.'

'If she loves me for me.'

'If she loves you for you.'

'If she loves me for me.'

Severus had to say something to Lilly. So, he sent her a letter asking to meet at the edge of the woods next to the castle. Lilly knew it was Severus because of his handwriting. He's sent lots of notes to her before. Love letters. But she never got the hint until now because Severus finally signed the letter. So, she decided to meet him there. But what she didn't expect to see was him showing his true colors.

"Please don't scream. I wanted to talk," Severus said

"About what?" Lilly asked.

"I love you, Lilly. I know you're with James Potter but he's not the one for you, and you know this."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I was scared of how you'd react to my true self which yesterday wasn't the right time and I'm sorry if I scared you. OH! THIS ISN'T WORKING! JUST GO! YOU DON'T CARE!"

Severus turned from her, knowing that she wouldn't love him back. Who would? That's what he keeps thinking. That's why he hides his true self. But Lilly was going to give him the answer he's been wanting.

Severus didn't want to believe that Lilly was actually saying all this. Surely this was too good to be true, right? But no. She was really saying all this. She loves him. His face doesn't matter. It's what's on the inside that matters. Maddie had been watching how it was going because Severus asked her too and she was proud of him. That wasn't an easy thing to do. She left the new couple alone. Cedric needed her for something anyway. Thinks got better for Severus after that. Everyone forgot about the true self reveal but he kept his guard up anyway.

The fop wasn't even in love with Lilly so that was all Severus' imagination. And he started to learn how to write music after their song and would become one of the youngest musical artists in Enchancia. Maddie got ideas out of that. She had been talking to Madisyn about doing something for Asgard and Enchancia. She wanted to open a school in both kingdoms where royals of all ages can come and learn a new skill like Maddie and Severus have done. Like, if a Princess wanted to be a baker, she could go to the school and learn how to bake. The list would go on.

Madisyn thought that was a great idea but she told Maddie that she'd need permission from Roland to make one in Enchancia. Well, Maddie asked Roland and told him her idea and he too agreed that would be a marvelous idea. The school was ordered to be built as soon as possible as he also found teachers for the different subjects. Maddie offered to teach the sorcery class. He let her since she doesn't do much else. She's still like an apprentice so teaching would be a different experience. Well, she'll have to stop thinking about that for a while because the next few days will distract her from the school idea for a while.

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