Chapter 37

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After a few days, Maddie was ready to move to Asgard with Tom. Cedric didn't want her to go but he had to let her go. As long as she knows he loves her and he got that off his chest. But Maddie was still blind to the danger and sadness she'll be experiencing in the years to come. Tom was getting the last of Maddie's things in the hot air balloon they arrived in the first time while Maddie spent the last few minutes with her family.

"Do you have to go?" Sofia asked.

"I do, Sofia. I have to be with my husband and help him rule his kingdom. But I'll visit when I can, I promise," Maddie said smiling.

"You're welcome home whenever you want," Roland said.

"But I want you to stay. This place won't be the same without you. And what about Mr Cedric? He'll miss you more than anything," Sofia said

"Cedric always has you. You're his apprentice too, remember?" Maddie said.

Sofia nodded.

"How long do we have until she leaves?" Amber asked Baileywick

"Six minutes," Baileywick said.

"Then let's make it the best six minutes ever," Maddie said staying positive, 'Just six more minutes left. We've done all we could do and whatever happens next I'm glad I'm here with you. Mister Sun came up and he smiled at me. Said, "It's gonna be the best day, just wait and see." Royal Wedding caught us unaware but we're still here and Mister Sun's up there. Could be the best day ever.'

'Best day ever,' Sofia said

'It still could be the best day ever!'

'Best day ever,' Amber, Sofia, and James said

'I'm so lucky, got nothing to do. I could spend five minutes just bein' with you. Every flower, every grain of sand is reaching out to shake my hand...'

'It's the best day ever,' everyone said

Everyone repeated that as Maddie danced around. Cedric wasn't joining in because he knew this wasn't the best day ever. This was the worst day ever but he didn't say anything

'These past two days the world's been closing in on me but when I'm feeling down, I can lose that frown. Just stick my head out the window and look around. Asgard doesn't scare me, it can't disguise this magic that's happening right before my eyes. Whatever comes there's just one thing to do; Make the best day ever with all of you. Today's the best day ever with all of you now,' Maddie danced and pointed to Cedric

Cedric was reluctant but sang to make Maddie happy, 'It's the best day ever!'

They started repeating that again and all danced around. At the end of it, they formed a circle and held hands. Tom came in and told Maddie it was time to go

"This is it, everyone," Maddie said

Maddie shared hugs with everyone before getting in the hot air balloon to go to Asgard.

'It's the best day ever.'

'Best day ever.'

'It's the best day ever.'

'Best day ever.'

"Five. Four. Three. Two..."

And Maddie disappeared into the clouds. Cedric left to his tower, sad that Maddie was gone. It was just like his vision on the day he tried to take over the kingdom. Maddie had gone with a different man. And he said to himself that he wouldn't let this happen. But it happened anyway. Maddie and Tom were made King and Queen of Asgard a week after the wedding and they were great rulers but Maddie had to learn the rules all over again.

No magic, the queen doesn't help the king with his work, the Queen has no opinion on anything and overall, the queen hardly does anything. She didn't remember Y/N going through any of this. Or does Asgard just work differently? She didn't ask. But she noticed that Tom wasn't as affectionate as he was before they married and after they had their Quadruplets named Rachel, Isabela, Sean, and Asgore.

Maddie did ask about that and Tom just said that he's been busy lately and is too stressed to give her affection at the moment. Maddie just left him alone and took care of her babies. Meanwhile, back in Enchancia, Madisyn was still trying to get close to Cedric. But Cedric had no interest in her. Only Maddie caught his interest. He gets a letter from her every day but he still missed her.

"Look, Madisyn, I don't want to talk right now. I'm not in the mood. Don't you have parents to visit or something?" Cedric asked

"My dad abandoned me and my mom died," Madisyn said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up anything bad."

"It's fine. But I like to think she's watching and listening."

"Anything you want to say to her? I don't mind."

Madisyn did have something to rant about and that's about Tom. Madisyn only decided to say it in front of Cedric because she wants to give him hints about what her cousin is really like.

'Hey mom, dead mom I need a little help here. I'm probably talking to myself here but dead mom, I gotta ask: Are you really in the ground? 'Cause I feel you all around me. Are you here, dead mom? Dead mom. Dead mom, I'm tired of trying to iron out my creases. I'm a bunch of broken pieces. It was you who made me whole. Every day Tom's staring at me like all, "Hurry up, get happy. Move along. Forget about your mom!"'

''Cause Tommy's in denial, Tommy doesn't wanna feel. He wants me to smile and clap like a performing seal. Ignored it for a while but Tommy's lost his mind for real. You won't believe the mess that we've become. You're my home, my destination and I'm your clone. Your strange creation. You held my hand and life came easy. Now jokes don't land and no one sees me. Nothing seems to fit. Mamma, is this it? Are you receiving? I want something to believe in or I'm done!'

'Take me where my soul can run or I'll be in my bedroom, wake me when I'm twenty-one! Tommy's moving forward, Tommy didn't lose a mom! Mama, won't you send a sign? I'm running out of hope and time. A plague of mice, a lightning strike, or drop a nuclear bomb. No more playing Tommy's game. I'll go insane if things don't change. Whatever it takes to make him say your name! Dead mom!'

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