Chapter 25

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Today is the first ever Conjurers' Conference! This is so exciting because all of the sorcerers and sorceress' from every kingdom has come to Hexley hall to show off new spells, magic, charms, and potions! And Maddie says that she has a new charm she wants to show off. I'm here with her and Sofia. I just hope that Grimtrix won't try stealing Sofia's amulet again. But I doubt he'll try with this large crowd. Finally, we were allowed in! I'm so excited!

The three of us went in and looked around. There were people selling wands, brooms, sorcerers showing off their magic, and much, much more. Not only that, someone was making an enchanted painting of the Mystic Isles. A place where all magic comes from. If only the Mystic Isle wasn't so hard to get to. I'd love to go there with Maddie and show her everything there is to see. While I was distracted by a magic kite, something grabbed onto me but I saw no one and nothing around. But I did have a letter now.

It was an invite to the Enchanted Portrait Parlor for a secret meeting with the greatest sorcerers in the world. So, someone believes that I am one of the greatest sorcerers in the world? I'm flattered but I'm wasting time. I need to get to this important meeting. I ran through the crowd to get to the Portrait Room. When I arrived, however, Grimtrix, Morgana, Greylock, and a few other sorcerers were there. So Grimtrix called me here? The last time I was here, Grimtrix said he wasn't going to be nice anymore.

Has he changed? No, he's still evil but he has a plan to take over all the kingdoms. All of them? That must be impossible! He sat me down and explained his plan to make all of us very powerful sorcerers. I suppose I'll listen. I still want to take over but we'd need Sofia's amulet and I have no plans to go near that again. Not after the last time I took it. But he has something better than that. He has Medusa Stones! How did he get his hands on those? With these stones, you can freeze anyone you want and no spell can undo it.

But, no one has ever used them. At least no one I know. How can we be sure they actually work? Grimtrix put one on his wand and tried it on a sorcerer who tried to leave because he didn't believe his plan would work. He's now frozen in place. Greylock and another sorcerer tried to unfreeze him but no spell would work. The Medusa stones really work! Perhaps this plan will work. I was ready to take one when I heard Sofia from behind the curtain! What is she doing here? Where's Maddie? Sofia pulled me behind the curtain.

"I can't believe what Grimtrix is doing. We have to stop him," Sofia said

"Stop him?" I started stuttering

"And why did he think you would be part of such an awful plan?"

"Oh, I haven't the foggiest idea."

"Oh, just tell her, Cedric," Wormwood told me

"Tell me what?" Sofia asked.

"That I intend to stall Grimtrix and his evil friends while you fetch all the... good sorcerers to... stop him," I lied

"That is a great idea!"

"Yes, and make sure you get as many as you can. Take your time. I can hold them off."

Sofia hugged me, "You're the best, Mr Cedric."

"Yes, I am."

Sofia left. What have I done? Why did I lie? It's obvious I want to be part of Grimtrix's plan yet I still lied. This wouldn't have been the first time I lied. But it wasn't to Sofia. Wormwood slapped the back of my head.

"You cannot let the goody-goody princess ruin a perfectly wicked plan," Wormwood said.

"I'm not ruining anything, Wormy. I only said those things to get Sofia to leave," I said

"Then you're going through with the plan?"

"Yes. Probably. Oh, I just don't know!"

"What is there not to know, Cedric?"

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