Chapter 6

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So, we are having yet another ball tonight. For what, I have absolutely no idea. All I know is I don't want to go. But first, Roland had a surprise for me, Amber and Sofia. We were taken to the jewel room. Roland said we could each pick out one jewel to wear to the ball tonight. I just chose a silver snake pin while Amber chose a necklace and Sofia chose a bracelet. But along the way, Sofia found a baby griffin. Along with its parents. They stay in the jewel room to keep them all safe. They make perfect guards since they're obsessed with shiny things.

We soon left. I guess I should get ready now. But I can't if Patty's kids don't stop annoying me for more magic tricks. I may or may not have shown them a few fake magic tricks instead of sorcery and now they always want to see what I can do. Severus in particular. He's the type of boy that will try and do the trick after I've done it. But I shoved them out of my room. Only to then hear a scream from the other end of the castle! I ran into the dining hall to see what was wrong and the kids followed.

One of the maids explained that sis told her to set the table so she did. But when she turned around, all of the goblets were gone! Anna then noticed there were scratch marks on the table. And Sofia had the same marks on her dresser. She found then when her amulet went missing. Hold on, so there's a thief in the castle and they have made more progress on getting that amulet from Sofia than Cedric and I? Well, best break the news to him. We all offered to look for the thief while Constable Miles looked too. So, we're off. But I went to find Cedric first. He was outside collecting things. Most likely for a potion.

"Cedric! We have a problem!" I said running up to him.

"What is it? Did you lose a tiara?" Cedric teased

I gave him a death glare.

"Alright. Alright. What is it?" Cedric asked

"There's a thief in the castle and they just stole some golden goblets and Sofia's amulet!" I said

"What?! How has a thief made more progress than us?"

"That's what I've been thinking!"

Abu then got our attention and pointed at the fountain. It was a griffin. And it had Sofia's amulet! But how did it get out of the jewel room? So, Cedric had the brilliant idea of trying to freeze the griffin and Wormwood gets the amulet when he does. But, when he tried to, the griffin dodged and Wormwood froze instead! Cedric dove into the fountain to catch Wormwood. But now they're both soaked. I helped him out.

'I finally hatched a brilliant scheme to catch that sneaky castle pet,' Cedric said accepting my help, 'For he's drawn to things that gleam. That's how I'll get that amulet.'

Can't wait to see how this will go. We went to the tower where he turned a rock into a ruby and made a cage float

'I'll place the jewel upon the ground while high above my trap is set. The cage will drop when he comes round. That's how I'll get that amulet. It's more than a necklace to me for the magic within holds the key to swipe the crown. Now please, pipe down!' Cedric told Wormwood who was cawing.

'As we await our victory. Our victory. You'll see!' We sang

'The beast will fly into my lair and that's the way I'll get...' Cedric started

'Whatever it takes we've got to get that amulet!' we ended together

Okay then, let's do this. So we need to trap him while he attempts to take the ruby then we'll have the amulet and take over the kingdom. I soon saw the griffin fly around outside so I make my wand sparkle to get its attention. I got it and the griffin flew in, seeing the ruby. Cedric tried to make the cage drop but something went wrong. It wouldn't work. And I don't even know the spell he used so I can't help! So Cedric just tried to catch it himself but the griffin flew off. And now his wand decided to work because the trap fell on him!

"You okay there?" I asked coming down

"I'm fine now get this cage off me! I have another plan," Cedric said.

I used a levitation spell I knew and used that on the cage, helping Cedric.

"So what's plan B?" I asked

"That griffin can fly. Well, I have a flying machine which I can use to chase the griffin. But you'll have to stay here since there's only one seat," Cedric said

"Or I can just do this," I said using the spell I used on the cage on me and now I can fly.


So, Cedric used the machine that was mentioned and I used the spell. I'm just hoping this spell lasts long enough to catch that griffin. So we started flying after the griffin who flew inside. Then flew back out with even more things. The chase continued for goodness knows how long. And it kept dropping things that wasn't the amulet! We did almost catch it at one point but it escaped us. We soon landed in the ballroom. Literally. Cedric's machine broke and my spell wore off making me fall.

But I fell wrong and ended up breaking my wrist! I held onto it and practically grit my teeth at the pain. But we soon had bigger problems! Because the griffin threw stuff at us, Cedric was accused of being the thief! I was too scared to move from the floor as the guards tried to take him away. But Sofia saved him because she figured it out. She put all the clues together and found the griffin under the table with all of the stolen things. So Cedric was let go. Cedric saw that I hadn't gotten up and came to check on me.

"Are you okay? That was quite the fall," Cedric said kneeling in front of me.

"I'm not okay. I fell wrong and broke my wrist on impact," I said fighting back tears of pain.

"Let me see."

I reluctantly gave him my wrist. He took it, being sure to be careful with it but it still hurt.

"Alright, I'm going to fix it for you so be still," Cedric said taking out his wand.

He said the spell and my wrist was fixed. But it hurt! I yelped when it snapped back into place. But it was fixed. So I'm not using that spell on myself for a while after this. I thanked Cedric for the help. At this point, I'm wondering if Cedric is truly evil. Maybe he isn't inside. We'll see what the future says.

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