Chapter 15

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So, I don't normally do this but I have a plot to take Sofia's amulet. I just feel like Cedric's scheme is taking too long so I'm going to get the amulet myself by first doing something I hate. Have a sleepover with her. This better be worth it. When it was around Sofia's bedtime, I knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" Sofia asked

I walked in, "It's me. I was thinking that we could have a sleepover tonight."

"I thought you hated sleepovers."

"Oh, I was in the mood for one and Cedric didn't want to have one so I came to you. So...what do you say?"

"Sure, Aunt Maddie. I'd love to have a sleepover."


Sofia and I made a tent out of blankets and pillows and started the sleepover. We played cards for a while before saying we should go to bed. Sofia wasn't tired but I needed her asleep. When she was, however, I was debating whether I should take the amulet. She's my niece. I couldn't do that to her. No! I must! I want my revenge! This debate continued until morning. Finally, I took it from her. I left and went to my room. Now that I have the amulet, Cedric and I can finally take over the kingdom!

At last! But then I stupidly put the amulet on. I was only trying to test its powers. Well, it worked. It made a princess in all black and white into the room. Who is she? She was called Princess Ivy. She complimented my nightgown, my hair, and my wand which I usually keep on me for protection. I offered a tour of the castle just to be nice which she agreed to. So, I changed into my apprentice clothes which I really need to update, and took her on the tour. Just as we got to the docks, Sofia found us. Not good.

"Aunt Maddie!" Sofia called

"Uh-oh!" I didn't expect her to wake up so soon

"You did take my amulet."

"I just wanted a turn, Sofia. It's only fair. And look, it gave me a princess," That was a massive lie.

"It what?"

"Sofia, this is Princess Ivy. Ivy, this is my niece, Sofia."

"Well, aren't you just a burst of lavender radiance? You two may be the most perfect pair of princesses I've ever met. Please join us, Princess Sofia. I am certain we will all be best friends," Ivy said

"Aunt Maddie? Are you in some kind of trouble?" Sofia asked

"No. Unless you tell Roland on me," I said

"That's not what I mean," Sofia dragged me away from Ivy, "The amulet only summons a princess when you're in real trouble."

"Well, I just put it on to see what its powers were and it gave me one."

"But that's not how the amulet works. It only summons princesses when you really need help. And they don't stick around so you can be best friends. The amulet sends them right back where they came from."

"Well, maybe the amulet was being extra nice to me because I never had a turn before!"

"I just want my amulet, okay, Aunt Maddie? Now."

"All right, all right. You don't have to get so upset," I took it off

Well, this plan went up in flames. I tried to give it back but a black and white butterfly took it from me and gave it to Ivy!

"Give that back!" Sofia said

Ivy laughed, "I don't think so."

"Ivy, what are you doing?" I asked

"This amulet brought me here. So I need to make sure it never sends me back," Ivy said

"I don't understand, back where?"

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