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SHE checked the email again just to be sure. Her eyes skimmed over the words. It felt unbelievable, really. At ten in the morning when she received it, her actions were immediate. The verdict was yet to be announced. Her grip on the phone tightened as she realized what it meant. Eyes fleeting over the dining table and the dimmed phone screen, her elation turned into uneasiness.

She sat in the living room, keeping a good distance away from the chaos. Her headache had worsened. Heart pounding every time she looked at the door.

The Birla family or at least the younger lot, were having a happy meal. The elder doctors and her father-in-law had not reached home yet. However, the rest of them were feasting on the snacks her sister made. From Kachoris to Mithai, the table had everything. Akshara was certainly in a jolly mood today.

She watched Akshara feed Manjari aunty and Dr. Abhimanyu Birla staring at his wife with absolute adoration. Exactly how Neil was staring at his share of Kachoris.

Married for a month yet they might've barely spoken more than two lines to each other. Even the nonsensical animal world of theirs had come to a full stop. It was just plain awkwardness now. Of course, she was away for four years and now that she was back, their families got them hitched out of nowhere.

It certainly was a mess.

A total mess.

The wedding was a rushed affair with minimum guests and relatives. No worries, she was prepared this time in every way. Even if the groom was to elope, the humiliation would've been bearable.

And she had truly wished her to-be-husband to run away this time. However, Neil Birla refused to follow his brother's footsteps in this matter. She would've willingly taken the risk herself if it were not for AG and Vansh bhaiya to keep guard on her door.

Nishta's loud shriek interrupted her musings as she moved out of their way. The chase was on full swing till the footsteps echoed in the hall.

The elders were back.

Dr. Anand, Dr. Mahima and Harshvardhan Birla settled at the dining table, conversing among themselves regarding the latest case. None of them spared her a singe glance, perhaps it did not end up in their hands yet? Manjari aunty served them the evening tea as things quietened down. The younger ones backed away, hiding as Abhimanyu remained the only one on the table.

"So, Akshara. What's the celebration today?"

Anand Birla asked as he dropped in two spoons of sugar into the teacup.

"No tauji. Nothing of that sort. Just—"

Abhimanyu had his hands fisted. Aarohi could clearly see how things could blow out of proportion any minute. Neil was already prepping up on how to cheer up his soon to be upset bhabhi. Shefali stood in silence, confused on her stance all of a sudden. Nishta sensed the growing tension. Parth and Manjari were about to speak up in her sister's defence. This was an everyday event at Birla house. A month and Aarohi Goenka-Birla was habitual to it.

What's the trick to survival? Stay out of everything and away from everyone. It was as simple as that. Something which her sister, Akshara Abhimanyu Birla was not able to do even after spending four years in this cage. She could've maybe given a try defending her but the headache was killing her at the moment. Added to the fact that Akshara never wanted anyone to spoil their relations in the house cause of her. Sadly, good people don't live a happy life.

It was all about the balance.

Mahima sipped her own tea leisurely. Her fingers twisted around the cup's handle, impatience at the silly talk. Spicing up things, that's where she excelled.

"Waise, congratulations Dr. Aarohi!"

Her back straightened up.

Unusual it was that when her sister was being taunted, anyone else were to go through the same thing at the very moment. Very unusual. It was so out of ordinary that even the rest of the family stilled. It was the opening to her grave and she knew it.

Well, everyone did.

"What for bhabhi?"

Harshvardhan Birla couldn't help but be curious. As if the elder Goenka was not enough, the younger one was up to some trouble as well.

"Harsh, you don't know? I thought everyone knew by now. Mujhe toh yeh success party laga tha, nahi?"

The silence was heavy.

Nishta was chewing her nails while Abhimanyu and Akshara looked surprised. Neil shifted his feet, his eyes darting between the elders and his wife. He could watch her biting the insides of her cheek, hands fisted. What's with this suspense?

Mahima Birla pulled out the letter from her bag and placed it on the table, in front of her brother-in-law. Aarohi watched him read through the letter, the disbelief apparent on his face. Manjari had a smile of hesitance as she started out in the defence of her youngest daughter-in-law as well.

"Didi, she's just a child. Mistakes happen. Forgive her pl—"

"Manjari, this is no mistake. This is an achievement."

Saying so, she walked ahead, standing in front of the twenty-seven year old woman. A hand forwarded, she replied.

"Congratulations Dr. Aarohi for getting appointed at Founders Hospital. I wish you the very best for your future. Do let us know before you're heading for Mumbai."

The Birlas stepped back in shock.

The plates clattering on the floor performed the auspicious announcement of the start of trouble tumbling down on her. This, ladies and gentlemen, was just the beginning.


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