40. difference

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Fingers weaving through her wet strands, she stepped into the balcony on hearing the commotion.

"Lo, bhabhi is also here!"

She came into the view of the call, a bit taken aback by the whole Birla family. He shifted, giving her space as she squeezed in. Two at night was certainly an odd time for a family reunion. Without the notice of the crowd on the other side, she shot a look at the one beside her, eyes questioning as always.

"Saali sahiba, don't ask him, usko kuch nahi pata. Your brother on the other hand, is going to get his bride's baraat tomorrow as a surprise," the tired surgeon voiced out, pointing at the visitor who everyone forgot. That is, model turned actress, Anisha Birla. Neil on the other hand, had absolute shock displayed at the olive branch extended by his brother, which only increased on seeing his lady smile in response.

Kairav Goenka was finally getting his time. To the man who shielded her under his wings, she couldn't be more than happy knowing that his wait was over now. Her brother deserved the world, he really did.

She watched Akshara bring the elder trio, who did make faces but mixed with the crowd easily. With Anand and Mahima asking their forgotten child to live a happy life, and Harshvardhan and Manjari come together to take the curly haired soon-to-be bride into their arms, she watched her sister stand afar, wiping off all the happy tears. Parth too followed his uncle and aunt, enveloping his sisters as little Yash giggled in the sidelines, and his mother joined him as well.

Aarohi smiled contented, watching her sister and the one next to her followed suit, watching her. The family celebrated and so did they, miles apart but ever closer than before. To have everything fall in place makes it worth. And finally the time came when Harshvardhan asked everyone to call it a day, as Manjari coaxed the adults whom she still considered children to go sleep. They cut the call as well, noting that it was time for their night snacking.

Steel tumblers in their hands and a common bowl of maggi in front, they sat in bliss picking the noodle strands with their spoons and forks.

"You did not call me earlier? Ma did say that she wanted to talk to me a bit more."

"Haan woh, you were busy with the hospital calls."

She nodded at that, a busy week it was with all the running around. It fell into practice, where Manjari was Ma and Sirat was Mumma, distinguishable enough. No one could replace Kartik though and no one could change her from being papa's little princess. Her results were out and she did well, registering herself in the city's best, the hospital she was aiming for. The first counseling session was done, however the second one remained pending which delayed the start of the academic year as well. Her one year contract with the Founders ended, as she paced up and down her bedroom, handing over her duties. With the delay of her classes to start, this was a vacation she was taking freely, attending seminars and workshops online.

"You think we'll be able to attend bhaiya's wedding?"

"Let's see. Your thing, I feel, is going to be delayed for a long time. As for me, they'll probably give me a week's off, maybe? Waise... I was planning to quit."

She spit out her coffee almost, ending up coughing. She seemed like she wanted to protest but the calm in those brown eyes assured her that there was more to it. And as promised, he explained himself, "I had applied at some places for the same post with better perks. Got an offer few days back. Toh socha..." he trailed off.

"But? There's always a but to it, right?"

He couldn't keep away the small smile, agreeing with her, "I'm kinda attached to the others."

"Today you, tomorrow them, we have to keep going right? Trust me, agar mera bas karta toh I would've stayed in Founders forever, that place has become a second home to me. But, move forward without looking back," she paused, looking at his conflicted face. Not everyone thinks the same way, something which the world should acknowledge and so did she, "Anyways, the decision is yours. And even if you take the wrong decision for yourself, it's more satisfying than someone else taking the right one for you, at least in this context."

He sighed, placing the bowl scrapped clean aside. Getting up, he stretched his hand as she took it, dragging herself from the floor. Standing against the ledge, the view overlooked the busy city. Never stopping, just moving forward. The night time breeze in the late May summer was a relief.

"The landlady asked me if we wanted to buy this flat."

"Oh? And?"

"I was thinking, why not? I mean, even if we want to settle down back in Udaipur, this could be a good investment. A decent apartment, good location, and her price was also reasonable. She needs quick cash, and at the moment hamare liye it's affordable as well. What say?"

"Hmm, I'll ask around the rates and probably consult someone. Then we'll decide, fine right?"

The slurp of her coffee showed the approval. The stood side by side in silence, arms brushing each other and the winds brushing them. Occasionally looking at each other and smiling. Stealing glances when there was no need to, or simply because some things take time to believe. To believe that this was them, their life, at peace with no troubles was unbelievable, truly. Impossible as well, had someone asked them few years ago.

To battle the tanhaiyan which engulfed them, come out of the khamoshiyan which tied them down and find the gehraiyaan they set out to seek.

"I also wanted to look for something, rather someone."

She waited.

"I want to trace back my parents. Not because I'm expecting something, but..."

"—a closure. You want a closure," she whispered, getting better at reading him. He breathed out, accepting her assumption. "I'm with you on this one. Go for it chamgadar," she said, nudging his shoulder lightly watching him beam, ear to ear. She closed her eyes, resting them, trying to blink away the sleepiness.

"You do know that I love you, right?"

On hearing her not respond, he looked at her, certain that she fell asleep standing. It was a long day for her and she was tired, what was he even expecting? Sighing, he smiled, focused on finishing up his tea. Good for him that he was not too engrossed in it, otherwise he would've missed out her mumbling.

"Good for you," she cracked a grin as he groaned at that response, arm thrown around her, careful to not strangle but something eerily similar. She burst out laughing and so did he, none bothering to stop.

Looking back, at his face she declared, "You are a namuna. A proper one." Leaning in for a kiss, she muttered against his lips, "My namuna, my person."

And that made the difference. Now, tomorrow and for all times to come.


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