14. changing

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He entered the dining room, vibing to this crazy mashup he found. The mix was so catchy that he was absolutely into it. Swinging to his own moves, he crashed into the speeding bullet train. Or at least, she moved like one.

He did manage to get hold of her finger, his grip strong. But that did not help her book or his mp3 from tumbling down.

She clicked her tongue in frustration, and crouched down to pick up her baby. Fingers running over the slightly crinkled page, she inspected its spine and covers. Making sure that her Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy was safe and sound, she got up, ready to blast that chamgadar left, right and center. And she would've, had he not started shrieking already.

"My earphones!"

Switching the left and right plugs and trying them out again and again, he knew the efforts were futile. He used to handle them with so much care. But now that the fall had got the wires stretched accidentally, the left one stopped working immediately. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He had his right plug which was working, fixed in his ear as he stared longingly at the left one.

Rolling her eyes, she snatched the left one and put it into her's, just to make sure whether they were actually destroyed or was he just being dramatic as usual. Hearing no sound, she pulled it out only to see him glaring at her. Or at least, trying to.

"Ghoor kya rahe ho?"

"You destroyed my earphones, my earphones chipkali! And I can't be angry?"

She looked at him, her eyebrow raised. She could feel herself smiling smugly, amusement etched across her face. Standing on her toes, she stepped in closer. Leaning in, she got the tip of her finger under his chin, bending it to her level. Her gaze swept over his features carefully as he held his breath.

"Isko gussa hona nahi, sulking kehte hain chamgadar. Cute though."

She stepped back while he remained rooted to his spot. Her eye roll followed up as she left for the kitchen. He could only stare at her. What just happened? Shaking himself out of it, he was convinced that it was nothing other than him being stupid. However, the very familiar aroma got him sniffing and distracted. He sighed, contented as he saw the two bowls come up. She handed it over to him and pointed ahead.


"Lead the way chipkali ji!"

Settling down on the mattress they set up, the chilly winds set up the vibe. One monsoon night spared from the heavy showers, and they were utilizing it to the fullest. The view they had was nothing scenic, just the tall glass buildings and the city lights staring back at them, equally bored. He got his Maggi wrapped around the fork, slurping the hanging strings.

"Chipkali, you could've added some vegetables."

"Original is always the best," she stated with a sense of finality, leaving no room for arguments. He raised his hands surrendering as he chuckled to himself. Watching her scratch her bowl with her spoon, he smiled, highly amused.

"Forks are not meant for you?"

"Not really used to one."

The eyebrow which shot up did not go unnoticed by her. Swallowing the bit she was chewing, she explained herself, "Ghar par they used to be scared whether I would stab someone owing to how short-tempered I am. Hence, the extra precautionary measure. I was made to use a spoon always." Sniggering at the recollection, she continued to be immersed with her dinner. Deciding to break out the news, he forwarded his bowl. Even if she had her brow raised in question, she clinked hers against his.

"Guess who got an internship?"

Instantly she turned towards him, eyes widened. She had to say nothing, he could already see it radiating from her. The smile was intact.

"I got in touch with a senior of mine, a friend. He helped me with it. An Ad agency. I'll be joining on Monday."

"That's a great news ch... Neil!"

He nodded in response, smiling. To be nervous and excited at the same time, was a different feeling all together. After a long time, it felt like a change. For the better. Partial credits to the one next to him. With August running, it was two months of staying together and four months into their marriage. 

"Thank you Dr. Aarohi."

She heard him speak casually. Now that she thought about it, he was right. It did sound weird. Her nail tapped against the ceramic bowl rhythmically. She still had time to back out. Then again, she never might have a chance to make it up again. Like last time.

It wouldn't hurt. Not trying might.

Before she felt conflicted again, she set out to make things straight.

"Truce it is, chamgadar."

The fork which was inside his mouth fell on the floor. Miracles were real. And this was no less than one. This woman was on a mission to get him to die with shock. How many surprises in a day? Nevertheless, if she was extending the olive branch he would gladly take it, before she had second thoughts about it.

"Also, you don't have to call me that. Sounds weird."

"Isn't that your nam—? Oh."

If chipkali herself was asking him to call her chipkali, the apocalypse was surely not far behind. He had remembered a snippet of their banter before, her stating that she was an intern in their hospital. The silent pride she held, he still remembered. He remembered everything. How he had asked his brother's Mahadev to make sure she doesn't end up with him. Oh, the irony! That was how, he came to the decision of calling her Dr. Aarohi. A faint recollection of, "I am Dr. Aarohi. Intern hoon iss hospital ki," got him smiling.

"So we are friends chipkali?"

"I guess."


"Don't make me regret it already chamgadar."

Aarohi Goenka was someone who had no friends. Neil Birla was someone who was everyone's friend. Such a stark difference. But, a friend to all was a friend to none. Which made him the same as her. What was the difference?

Two friendless friends now sat together, sealing their pact of friendship as he knocked into her shoulder and she shrugged him off, all in playful fun.

Remaining the sole witness to the changing air and changing bonds were the city lights, flickering brighter, fuelled by hope.


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