33. them

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"Chamgadar, wake up!"

Elbowing his stomach, she tried to get him moving. But Neil Birla, once asleep, never got up till the alarm rang after snoozing it for the third time. Getting rid of his arm around her, she threw away the duvets. Tying up her nest into a makeshift bun, she set out on her mission to get him up.

Normally, she wouldn't have been this bothered. But to miss a flight, especially when the leaves were so rare, was not something she would appreciate.

Sighing she made her way to the kitchen, making his tea and her coffee. Pouring them into glasses, she placed them on the table and went to check if he had woken up by now. Covering up her yawn on seeing him do it, she asked him to be quick.

"The flight is five hours later yaar."

"Toh? You have to be early."

Stretching his arms, he blinked his eyes in surprise. She was home? "Friday hain," she reminded him, reading the shock on his face accurately. Usually, he did register a faint memory of her slipping into his arms at three or four in the morning, after taking her shower on being back from the hospital. Maybe he was tired with all the packing. Though he loved to travel, packing was the worst part about it.

The sight of tea drew him towards it before she stopped him, "Brush toh karlo."

Groaning, he made his way. But not before folding his hands, thanking his doctor for being so attentive. Doing a quick job of brushing, he finally settled on the table drinking his tea in peace. He could see her running around the house, seemingly on a race at the rate at which she flew from the kitchen to the bedroom. Following her trail, he watched her dump things into his packed bag.

"Chipkali, what are you doing? I've already packed—"

"Yeah yeah, and I can already see what a good job you've done. Toothpaste nahi, brush nahi. To the extent that you forgot to pack the gifts you bought for them with so much interest? Where were you lost?"

Silence prevailed as he refused to answer that question. Anyone would refuse, if the answer could drive away the person. Her snapping of fingers brought him back to the present. His eyes never hid anything, perhaps the reason why she instantly knew that something was wrong. But boundaries to maintain and so, she let it go. He could feel her intense gaze before she went back to dumping things. Gulping, he inched near her, wrapping his arms around her as she smiled at things coming around.

They stood there, just like that.

He dug his nose deeper into her hair, the scent of Vanilla giving him all the comfort he needed. Feelings only stronger, his doubts became clearer to him. At that he gave a defeated sigh, uncertain of what this would lead to. Because the person concerned was his chipkali, the one who was unpredictable and could do anything. Either she could stick around true to her name or go hide, far away. Tilting her head, her hands caressed his stubble as she leaned in for a quick peck, not able to stop herself.

"Go take a shower, you'll be late otherwise."

He made faces, clearly not in a mood. Continuing to brush his nose against the back of her ear, he put forth a term.


"You'll definitely be late then."

"Chalta hain," he replied, leaving no rooms for arguments. She did not hold back. After all, the upcoming week was going to be devoid of any of this. Whatever they had during this while was great. Partly the reason why she was nervous about this break. As unlikable as it was, it was important as well. To give the right kind of space required.

That is how they ended up under the waters, drenched from head to toe. Eyes shut cause of the blinding force of the showers, they knew their way around each other without being seen. Parting out the wet hair which stuck to her nape, his trail of unending kisses pestered her skin getting her to tilt further. Cold fingers bringing down his chin, she went for the chapped ones, the friction so familiar. Moans hushed up by the hitting water. The clothes which stuck to them like a second skin were peeled off, getting rid of anything and everything which made them feel masked.

Expect for feelings of course, the ones buried deep.

But nothing lasts forever. If masked today, they will be unmasked, willingly or unwillingly, one day. It was all a matter of time. Time is all it takes—to feel, reveal and heal.


Her pink strapped watch read 19:00 as she munched on her Pasta. The flight was initially around five-thirty in the evening and she had dragged him to the airport early. Goenkas always left for the airport early so that even if they forgot something or someone, they had enough time to retrieve them back. It was a family thing.

And that is how they rested at the rooftop restaurant attached to the airport, killing their time as well as having dinner. They could see the runway from here, the view was nice. The flight was delayed due to the weather conditions, Udaipur was attacked by hailstorm yet again. The mention of hailstorms got their mouths quirking. How could they ever forget?

He played with his Pasta nonchalantly. Her eyes paused at that sight, brows furrowing. Very unusual of him to not adore his platter as if it were the love of his life. Very unusual. Absolutely weird, now that she was used to it. So like a good friend and partner, she took the responsibility upon herself.

Kicking him under the table, she tapped her watch mouthing, "Time's ticking." Eyes rolling with a smile, he picked up his pace, stuffing it in at a faster rate. Once the plates were licked clean, they made their way towards the secluded corner finding a spot for themselves. Looking over the airport. The wind sped up as well, brushing past their hairs.



She stretched the word, sporting a smile.

"I'll book a cab for you before going. In fact, abhi kar deta hoon. And I'll head as well, it's time."

The tip of her tongue wanted to slip out that she could manage it on her own, she had been managing on her own for all these years. But then, it was not unmissable on how detached he was minutes ago. Not detached also, lost to be very precise. And so, she let him have his way. Rarities. Hence, more precious.

Her eyes fleeted over the stationed airplanes. She pursed her lips, feeling slightly wistful all of a sudden. Unable to comprehend the low spirits deflating her, she sighed. She could spot the cab from afar and the call came soon enough. He did the talking, gesturing her to leave. She stood rooted to her spot. The call ended and he faced her.

"Go your highness. Your ride is here."

She nodded, giving back a tight-lipped smile to his wide one. He watched her retreating back, till she disappeared. Leaning against the steel rail, he tucked his chin into his hands. What was happening to him? And no sooner, the beige heels came into his view. Hands clutching his collars, she brought him down to her level, doing her part.

Foreheads touching, noses brushing. When they pulled apart, the January air got their breaths mingled. Low chuckles rumbled, the nostalgia striking them. The twinkle in his browns matched the glint in her blacks.

This was them.


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