Chapter 2

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Quinn's P.O.V
While everyone else is at Glee auditions, I was at Cheer practice. Yeah, you heard right. I made it in the Cheerios. This is a new beginning for me. I went through some tough times through the summer. Puck and I are no longer together... we broke up two weeks ago. I can say that it was all my fault.

Puck and I were laying down in a blanket looking at the stars. We just turned 3 months.

Puck- Babe?

Me- Yeah?

Puck- Why do you always walk away from our problems?

Me- Because I don't want to waste time on it.

Puck- "Waste? What do you mean waste?" He said a little more upset.

Me- "I have more important things to do than to waste time on fixing a problem." I said with attitude.

I started to cuddle closer to Puck, but then he got up.

Me- "What's your problem?" I said as I got up.

Puck- What's my problem? What's yours?! You've been acting up on me and I don't even know what's wrong with you because you never want to talk. Whenever we fight you just walk away and leave me standing there, like an idiot! Then the next day you come to me like nothing happened the day before! And now you're saying that " It's a waste of time and you have better things to do". Who are you? Ever since you joined that stupid Cheer team you started acting different!

Me- "CHEER ISN'T STUPID! YOU'RE STUPID. THIS IS STUPID!" I instantly regretted what I said. I saw Puck's eyes filled with hurt. "Puck I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say you're stupid or this is stu-" I got cut off by Puck.

Puck- I'm stupid?! This is stupid?! Fine. You know what? WE ARE OVER. There! Now you don't have to deal with my stupidity and you wasting your time on us.

Me- "Puck please, let me explain... I love you!" I said as I started crying.

Puck- "You know what you can do to prove to me you love me?" He said as he looked into my eyes.

Me- "I'll do anything." I said as I got closer to him.

Puck- "Leave. Me. Alone." He said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

Me- "W-What?" I said barely choking out.

Puck- "LEAVE ME ALONE." he said as he was walking away. I got a hold of his arm before he walked any further.

Me- "Please don't leave me... I'm sorry." I said as I tried to get a better grip of his arm.

Puck- "I never thought you would make me feel this way. I hope you have a great life Quinn." He said as he pulled his arm of my grip and walked to his car.

I saw him drive off and throw something out the window. I run to the item on the floor and it's a box. I open it up and inside is a beautiful charm bracelet. It had a cross, pompom, music note, and a heart lock. I opened it and inside were two pictures. One of us looking into each others eyes while smiling and the other one of us singing while holding hands. I felt my eyes fill with tears. I closed the lock and saw something in the back of the heart. It said "042914 Forever" That's when I realized I really messed up.
*End of Flashback*

I was playing with my charm bracelet as I remembered. I guess I was really thinking because I didn't see Rachel coming or talking to me.

Rachel- Hello, Earth to Quinn?

Me- Sorry. What did you say?

Rachel- I said you missed Glee auditions but now I know why. Congrats on making it into the Cheerios!

Me- "Yeah, I had practice, and thanks." I said as I started walking away.

Rachel- "Four people auditioned for the New Directions. Two boys and two girls to be exact." She said with excitement.

Me- "Cool." I said trying to get away from her.

Rachel- "Okay, what's wrong with you Quinn. You're treating me like you don't even want to be with me. You promised you wouldn't act like this when you got into the Cheerios, remember?" She said trying to stop me.

Me- "Just leave me alone man hands! You're really annoying me. People just feel bad for you so they talk to you." I screamed at her. I regretted what I said instantly. Just then Finn came running to us.

Finn- "Hey don't talk to Rachel like that!" He said as he hugged Rachel.

Rachel- "It's okay Finn, i can handle this." She said as she got away from his hug and walked towards me. "Why are you treating me like this? Did you forget who was there for you when you and Puck broke up?! I WAS THERE! I'm your best friend for God sakes." She said as she tried hugging me, but I pushed her off.

Me- "That was during the summer, I'm over that! This is the new me. I turned a new leaf. See, you WERE my best friend. Now you're not. So leave me alone." I said walking away. Then I heard Rachel scream after me.

Rachel- THAT WAS TWO WEEKS AGO! But fine! But this isn't you, you're just going through a phase. I'm still going to be here for you. NO MATTER WHAT.

Rachel's P.O.V
What the hell was wrong with Quinn. She was fine just yesterday. Now she's acting so mean towards me. I just really hope this is temporary and not something permanent...

Quinn's P.O.V
I wish I can truly just tell her what's wrong. But I'm not going to get attached to anyone, not anymore.

Goodbye Caring Quinn and Hello Cold Hearted Quinn.

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