Important Message

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In my last authors note I wrote that I wouldn't be writing for a while because I need time to adjust to my issue.

But musicallife14 has offered to help me write this story while I'm gone. (:

I still don't know how long I'll be gone, but please welcome her with open arms!♡

The chapters that will be published after this message will be her ideas and not mine. I don't want to take credit of her work, I hope you thank her and give her the positive energy you give me.

When I will be ready to write again, we will both be writing this story. When I read what she publishes, I'll probably come with ideas and tell her. But for now, please remember to give her credit.

Thank you musicallife14 , I don't know what I would've done without you. I know this story is in great hands and I can't wait to see what happens next. I belive in you. ♡

Thank you all for the support, I truly love you all. ❤

Oh! And please follow musicallife14 and read her own stories♡

I'll talk to you all later....


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