Chapter 5

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Rachel's P.O.V
Did I hear right? Did Finn just say he thinks we should break up?

Me- "W-what?"

Finn- "I'm so sorry Rach. It's just ...." He stopped mid sentence.

Me- "It's just what?" I said with sadness in my eyes.

Finn- "I need to be honest with you. I st-" I cut him off.

Me- "Did you cheat on me with Quinn?" I said calmly

Finn- "No. I would NEVER cheat on you Rachel. But I do need to tell you something. Can you let me finish please?" He said holding my hands

Me- "Okay sorry."

Finn- "I like you very much, so much. But I still have feelings for Quinn, and lately the feelings have been growing. I don't want to hurt you Rach, that's why I'm being honest and I think we should break up so I won't hurt you as much as I am now." He said.

I slowly pulled my hands away and squirmed in my seat. I felt the tears coming but I told myself to hold on, to stay strong. I looked at him and scoot my seat next to his.

Me- "I understand that you have feelings for her, so now you're free to be with her. We can still be friends, but don't take advantage of that. I won't be as close to you anymore. What I'm trying to say is we're over. Until you know who you want to be with, you can come to me." I said as I got up and kissed him in the lips lightly.

Then I walked to my room and closed the door. Five minutes later I heard the door of my house close. That's when I knew I lost him. I cried myself to sleep thinking of when we first met.


-August 13, 2014 / The Next Day-

Finn's P.O.V
I woke up happy that I was going to see Rachel again. That's when it hits me, we broke up last night. How can I be such an idiot, I lost an amazing girl. But I can finally find out who I want to be with. I get up and dress for school. Glee Club is going to be awkward today.

Rachel's P.O.V
I woke up with a headache and tear stains in my cheeks. I forgot last night for a second, but now I remember. I just hope no one asks me about us during Glee. Talking about Glee, we have to get partners for a duet. I get up from bed and get ready for school. I leave to school and I walk in Glee. Everyone is staring at me weirdly.

Me- "Do I have something on me?" I casually said.

Artie- "It's just weird that you're not with Finn."

Quinn- "Did you finally break up?" Quinn asked happily.

Tina- "Yeah, what happened between you guys." She asked.

Sugar- "Do I finally have a chance with him?" She said cheering.

Me- "I don't want to talk about it." I said annoyed.

Brittany- "You can sing about it." She smiled slightly

Me- "That's actually not bad. Maybe after we see who is our duet partners." I said while I sat down.

Then Mr.Shue came in with Finn by his side. I instantly looked down. I heard footsteps coming my way and I was hoping he wouldn't sit next to me. Then I feel small arms around me. I look up and it's Santana. I instantly hugged back.

Even though she got in the Cheerios she isn't a bitch like Quinn. She's still close to me and we've become best friends.

Santana- "Do you want to talk later on?" She whispered in my ear.

Me- "Yes please." I said low.

Mr.Shue- "Good morning guys, it's time to spin the wheel Artie constructed for us." he said as he brought out a big wheel with all of our names. "Who wants to go first?" he asked

Kurt went first. He spinned the wheel.

Kurt- "Brittany."

Brittany- "Unicorn power!" She said as she ran to Kurt and hugged him. They sat down. Everyone went up. These were the partners:

•Sam & Blaine
•Santana & Joe
•Tina & Matt
•Rory & Artie
•Lauren & Puck
•Mercedes & Mike

It was Finn's turn to spin the wheel. It was Quinn, Sugar and I left. I was hoping it wasn't me.

Finn- "Sugar" he said annoyed while Sugar screamed.

Sugar- "FINALLY!" She said as she ran and jumped on top of him.

I rolled my eyes and i instantly noticed who was remaining. I'm with Quinn. Great.

Mr.Shue- "That leaves us with just Quinn and Rachel. You guys are duet partners. You're allowed to start singing tomorrow until Friday. Now before we leave, does anyone want to sing a song?"

I raised my hand.

Mr.Shue- "Great, come on up Rachel."

I got up and stood in front of the choir room.

Me- "Most of you are asking what happened. I don't want to talk about it, but this song while explain it all." I said as I looked at Finn.

-Song Starts-
If anyone asks,
I'll tell them we both just moved on
When people all stare
I'll pretend that I don't hear them talk
Whenever I see you,
I'll swallow my pride
and bite my tongue
Pretend I'm okay with it all
Act like there's nothing wrong
Is it over yet?
Can I open my eyes?
Is this as hard as it gets?
Is this what it feels like to really cry?
If anyone asks,
I'll tell them we just grew apart
What do I care
If they believe me or not

*By now I started crying*

Whenever I feel
Your memory is breaking my heart
I'll pretend I'm okay with it all
Act like there's nothing wrong
Is it over yet?
Can I open my eyes?
Is this as hard as it gets?
Is this what it feels like to really cry?
I'm talking in circles
I'm lying, they know it
Why won't this just all go away
Is it over yet?
Can I open my eyes?
Is this as hard as it gets?
Is this what it feels like to really cry?
-Song Ends-

I was in tears now, I wiped my tears away and just walked out of glee. I heard footsteps after me, I turned around and it was Santana and Kurt.

Santana- You were brave up there Rachel. He lost someone amazing.

Kurt- He's my stepbrother and I love him, but not right now.

Santana- Just know that we love you Berry.

Me- "Thanks, I love you guys." I said as we hugged eachother.

Finn's P.O.V
I wanted to cry when she sang that to me. I know I love her deep down, but I can't be with her when I like Quinn. They say if you love someone but then you start to like someone else, just go with the second person, because if you really loved the first person, you wouldn't have fallen for the second. So here I am watching Quinn walk towards me.

Quinn- "Hey Finn." She said flirty

Finn- "Hi Quinn." I said

Me- "Since you and Rachel broke up, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" she said

Finn- "Sure."

Quinn- "Pick me up at 8 tonight and don't be late." She said as she kissed my cheek and walked away.

I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm a mess right now without Rachel, but this is all my fault.

Hey Ya'll I made a twitter account! My name is @finchel_fanfics so if you have a twitter follow me and I'll follow back❤ I thought I should make an account to join the fandom.❤

Also, I don't like the fact that Finchel is broken in my story but like I said, it's part of my plan. Love you all and follow me on Twitter @finchel_fanfics (CoffeeandLeaAddict) ❤

Song Used
• Cry - Glee Season 3

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