Chapter 4

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Quinn's P.O.V
When Puck and Rachel ran out I just shrugged it off and sat next to Finn. He tried to leave but I got a hold of him. Everyone left from Glee and it was just Finn and I.

Finn- "Why did you do that? I probably lost her, I lost the most important person to me. Thanks to you."

Me- "You guys have only been going out for two months. You and I dated for a year and 5 months. We loved eachother. You guys just like each other. Give me a second chance."

Finn- "I would be lying if I told you that i don't have feelings for you. I loved you Quinn, but you really hurt me. I thought I would never be able to like or even love someone again. But then I met Rachel." He said as he got happy.

Me- "So you still have feelings for me?"

Finn- "Sadly, yes I do. But I have more feelings for Rachel. I just want to be happy."

Me- "Well, breakup with her. Then we can finally be together."

Finn- "I'm not breaking up with her. Now I have to go bye."

He got up and left. After I heard the door close I started breaking down and cry. Why is my life so messed up.

Finn's P.O.V
I get out of the room and decide to just go find Rachel. As I was walking I couldn't stop thinking about Quinn. I still do like Quinn, but I like Rachel way more. I went to my locker to leave my binder and when I opened it a note fell out. I picked it up and I instantly knew it was Rachel's writing.

Finn ,
I left school early, but not alone. I'm going to be with Noah for the rest of the day. We both are broken hearted and we need time alone right now. Come to my house around 8pm and we can talk. I'll see you later.
Love Rach.

I folded the note and put it back in my locker. I closed it and just walked to my truck. I got in and just sat there. I just can't stop thinking if something is going to happen. I look at the time and it's 1PM. I still have seven hours to talk to her. I decided to drive over to a place I always go to when I need to think. I got to that place 45 minutes later. I got out of my car and walked around. After 10 minutes I finally found my destination. I sat down and just started talking.

Me- "Hi dad."

I can feel the touch of my dad holding my shoulders. I know he's here.

Me- "If you're wondering what Im here for now, it's because I just need someone to talk to and I know you always listen to me."

The wind moves slowly through the grass, I know he's listening now.

Me- "Remember Quinn? Well she wants me back and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her, but I think I love Rachel. I don't want to hurt Rachel , but should I at least be honest with her?"

I feel this warmth touch in my heart. I know he's telling me to follow me my heart.

Me- "Follow my heart, I will. I think I'm going to be honest with Rachel, I don't want her to think I'm cheating on her or lying to her. Thanks dad."
-Rachel & Puck / Park-

Puck's P.O.V
Rachel and I have been talking all day. We came to a park and just let our feelings out. I suddenly feel comfortable with her. Like she's a sister to me.

Rachel- I think I'm going to break up with Finn.

Me- What, why?

Rachel- Because of what happened today, he cheated on me.

Me- I can gurantee that he didn't. I've know him since elementary school and he's not like that. I think Quinn made that story up.

Rachel- Why would she do that?

Me- Because you're happy and she isn't.

Rachel- Oh.

Me- Just promise me that you'll talk to Finn.

Rachel- I promise, thank you Noah. I love you as my brother.

Me- "You're welcome and I love you as my sister. Now come here." I said opening my arms. She came and we hugged. I kissed her forehead and drove her home.
I felt good being with my dad so I stayed there for 4 hours. It might seem like a long time but when you're talking to him and you know that he listens, it feels so right. I look at the time and it's 6:30 so I decided to leave so I can shower then go talk to Rachel.

Me- "Thanks for always listening dad. Although I never met you, I know the bond we have is strong. I love you dad, and never forget you are my hero." I kissed 2 of my fingers and gently placed the kiss on his grave stone.

I got up and left to my truck. I start driving and I get home 30 minutes later. It's 7p.m. Good, I still have time to shower.
-Berry's Household / 7p.m.-

Rachel's P.O.V
Noah dropped me off home and I showered quickly. I wore a nice light pink dress with a nice v-neck. The shoulder parts are puffy and nice. I cooked chicken because I know Finn loves chicken and I also cooked vegetarian lasagna. I had apple cider in the table waiting for Finn to come. I lit up the candles and was proud of what i did. It was 7:55, Finn would be here any minute now. Right when I said that, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood my favorite guy.

Me- "Hi Finn" I said as I stood there holding the door. Out of no where, he pulled out flowers from behind him.

Finn- "These are for you. I don't know what flowers you like but I hope you like these." He said shyly.

Me- "I'm not a flower person, but these are lovely. Thank you. Come in." I said as I let him come in.

Finn came in and I closed the door. I got a hold of his hand and led him to the dinner. His face was filled with shock.

Finn- "Is t-this all f-for me?" He said with tears almost filling his eyes.

Me- "Yes it is. It's an apology for how I acted earlier. I know you didn't cheat on me. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I was just hurt because I've been cheated on before. I hope you can forgive me." I asked

Finn's P.O.V
Oh gosh, she's asking me to forgive her. I can't do this to her.

Me- "Can we talk?" I asked nervously.

Rachel- "Oh umm, sure. Do you want to eat first?" She said sadly.

Me- "Yeah, that'll be nice." I said as we walked to the table.

We ate in silence, but then Rachel spoke up.

Rachel- "I want to have a toast." She said as she raised her glass. I got my glass.

Rachel- "I want to make a toast for having an amazing boyfriend. I'm glad I have you in my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. I like you so much Finn." She said with a smile.

She's making this so much harder for me. I know I need to tell her now.

Me- "Rachel."

Rachel- "Yes?"

Me- "I.... I think we need to b-break up.." I said sadly not looking at her.

I really feel bad doing this, sorry guys
But trust me, I have a plan and this is part of it. FINCHEL FOREVER❤

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