Important Message

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As the picture says "I'm sorry to everyone who has to spend Mother's Day without a mother."

This goes out to the everyone who has an absent mom, a bad mom or no mom in their life right now. Not having a mom by your side is difficult when you see your friends with their mom being happy. I know that feeling. But just know that there are people in your life who are proud of you for being strong, for still living your life. I'm proud of everyone who has gone through rough patches in their life without someone important in their lives, but are still standing tall. We all have at least a female figure in our lives, so why don't we thank them and celebrate this day for them. I know im telling my grandma and my dad Happy Mother's Day because they have been there for me through everything. If you have a mom, appreciate her, shower her with hugs and kisses, treat her with a lot of love, because there are people out there who would kill to have at least one minute, one hour, one day to be with their mom again. Happy Mother's Day to my mom who is miles away from me, Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there and the dad's who have double shifts as a dad and a mother. Bless You All For Your Amazing Hard Work and Love.

Also I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated the story. I really don't know where to go with this story and I feel like you guys don't really like this story. Also I've been under a lot of stress lately at school that I don't even have time to write anymore. Today is the only day I've felt relaxed. Well not really because meanwhile everyone is out with their families celebrating a day for their moms, I'm here wishing I was with my mom. Honestly I've just been very sad lately. I don't know what to do with some problems in my life anymore and I hate how it's affecting my writing. I want to keep writing this story but 1) I don't have time 2) I don't think you guys like the story 3) I'm under too much stress I can't even write 4) I don't feel the flow anymore. Before I would write so much, now I just don't feel it. I'm trying my best to get the writing flow back. It might take some time.
I'll give you guys the last say in this:

• Do you want me to keep writing? BUT if you do want me to continue this story, the updates will be awfully slow and I don't want to put you through that.
• Do you want me to stop writing this story

I'll leave this up to you, thanks for taking your time in reading this and I hope you tell me your decisions. I want to know what you guys think about this.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.♡

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