Chapter 4 - Dark Times

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Newt moaned as Plune moved, reaching for her as she got out of bed.

"Shh," she said gently, leaning down and kissing his forehead. "I love you." He mumbled a response, making her smile as he flipped over, pulling the blankets up around him and falling back asleep. She slipped on her olive green pants, black tank top, and wrapped her navy bomber jacket around her waist. She quickly put her hair into her dutch braided bun, lacing up her boots before stepping outside. "Try not to freak the greenie out this time," she chuckled to Alby as he came to match her stride, heading to where Thomas' hammock hung.

"Thomas," he said quietly, placing his hand over Thomas' mouth as he moved to yell. "Shh." Thomas nodded and Alby took his hand off, starting to walk away. Thomas only looked at Plune who nodded her head towards Alby. He scrambled up and started following them across the Glade. "Peaceful, isn't it?" Alby asked once they were away from the Homestead and the other hammocks. "I know it's hard to believe, but it wasn't always this way. We had dark days. We lost a lot of boys to fear. To panic," he explained as they stopped and looked out over the Glade. "But we've come far since then. Established order, made peace."

"Created rules, agreements, everything we could to make sure this place works."

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked, looking over at them.

"Because you're not like the others," Alby told him. "You're curious. But you're one of us now. You need to know what that means." He took Thomas' hand and placed a knife in it and motioned for him to turn. Thomas listened, slowly walking up to the wall where the Gladers had carved their names into the stone, some being crossed off.

"What happened to them?" Thomas asked as he looked at crossed off names.

"Like I said, dark days, Thomas." Thomas sniffed before going up to the wall and etching his name in with the others.


Gally and Alby finished digging the grave, both of them covered in dirt as they pulled themself out. Plune picked up one end of the cloth the body was wrapped in, Alby taking the other and lowering it down into the hole, the three piling the dirt on top. Once they finished, Plune laid the bouquet of flowers on top while Gally hammered in the sign with Nick's name above where his head was. They all stood quietly as they stared at it.

"That's three dead in four days," Gally spoke first."We have to do something or else there's not going to be enough people to dig the graves."

"Everything here is out of control."

"Months with few rules or structures," Alby sighed. "We have to do something."

"You need to take charge," Gally said, turning to him. "Establish rules, make punishments."

"He's right, Alby," Plune nodded. "People are going to keep dying if you don't do something."

"Why me?"

"You've been up here the longest."

"That doesn't mean I should be the leader."

"You're the oldest."

"Doesn't mean I'm the right person for the job."

"You don't want it."


"That's exactly why you should have it," Plune butted into the boys' argument. "Someone who wants power shouldn't necessarily have it. They could abuse it."

"Having one person in charge allows for abuse," he argued.

"Then don't have one person in charge. Have two," Gally suggested, looking between them and Alby looked over at Plune . "Think about it. You two have been up here the longest. Plus, once more girls come up, they won't have to feel like only boys are in charge."

Plune nodded as she thought about it. "Maybe it's not such a bad idea," she said, looking over at Alby. "If no one does anything, the next greenie who comes up will be all by himself except for a bunch of graves. That can't happen."

"We can make rules, but who says they'll listen?" Alby questioned.

"They have to if they don't want to end up like these guys. No one's gonna argue."

"Everyone here loved Nick," Plune said sadly, looking down at the grave of her friend. "Maybe losing him will be a wake up call." Alby sighed. "Alby, we have to do this. I can't lose anymore friends," she admitted and Gally looked at the ground.

"Alright," Alby nodded. "Plune and I will come up with rules and present them tonight. Anyone who doesn't like them can try their luck in the maze."


Plune let out a breath as her hand went to her head.

"You alright?" Alby asked, looking up from the paper they were going over.

"My head hurts. Last night's story," she explained, closing her eyes.

"Why don't you go take a break? Maybe get something from the medjacks."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "You sure?"

"Can't have my co leader under the weather, now can we?"

"Thanks, Alby."

"No problem, Plune." He went back to looking over the supply inventory as she headed to the medjack hut.

"Clint? Jeff?" she asked as she opened the door.

"Hey, Plune," Jeff smiled. "Clint's off with the slicers."

"Who was it this time?"

"Winston. Probably just a small cut on the finger."

"I swear, he's not gonna have fingers if he isn't more careful," she said and he laughed before moving from the medicine cabinet to the table where a bottle sat. He picked it up and handed it to her. "How did you-"

"Newt came in earlier and said you might need this." She chuckled as she opened the bottle and put a pill into her hand before swallowing it. "That boy probably knows you better than you know yourself. At least he recognizes when you need to take care of yourself."

"Ha ha," she rolled her eyes, but a smile snuck onto her lips. "Thanks, Jeff."

"No problem. You need anything else?"

"No, this should kick in soon. Let me know if you guys need help or if Winston's worse off than you thought."

"Will do," Jeff waved as she walked back outside.

We Didn't Start the Fire - Book 1 (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now