Chapter 17 - The Maze

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Thomas and Minho led the group through the maze, Plune trying to ignore the walls on every side of her, focusing only on the path ahead of them. Newt and Plune stayed towards the back to accommodate his limp and make sure no one was left behind. Soon, they stopped, Thomas peering around a corner before pushing himself against the wall.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked.


"Shit," Chuck let out.

"You take this, Chuck," Minho handed him the device they had found in the Griever. "Stay behind us."

"It's okay," Teresa told him. "Just stick with me."

"Once we're through, it'll activate and the door will open. Alright? We stay close, we stick together, we get through this," Thomas told them all. "We get out now or we die trying. Ready?" Everyone gripped their weapons tightly, most with spears and some with knives.

"Plune, you help Teresa and Chuck," Newt told her quietly.

"No way. I'm fighting with the rest of you." She turned to the other girl. "If you need me, you call for me, alright?" She nodded and Plune looked back at Thomas, giving him a nod.

"Let's go!" Thomas yelled and they all followed him around the corner, screaming as the Griever ran towards them. It was chaos as the Griever tried to attack them and they desperately tried to push away its many arms. It managed to grab one of the boys, throwing him over the side of the walkway they were on.

"The key!" Chuck yelled and Plune turned to see him racing towards the edge where the Griever device had fallen.

"Chuck!" she yelled, running forwards and catching him as he fell over the edge.

"Oh no," he let out as they caught sight of more Grievers climbing up the sides and out of the darkness below. "Pull me up! Pull me up!" Plune listened, pulling him over the side just in time as the first Griever came over. The Gladers managed to push the first Griever over the edge before turning to see two others coming up where Plune and Chuck were.

"Go!" Plune yelled, pushing Chuck towards Teresa before using her dagger to swipe at the legs of the Grievers, but she wasn't able to do much before one picked her up and threw her at the rest of the Gladers. She groaned as she hit the stone floor, her ears ringing and vaguely picking up the sounds of the Gladers yelling and trying to fight off the two Grievers as Chuck and Teresa ran to the end to activate the door. She picked her head up, everything moving in slow motion. She watched as the Grievers threw some of the boys over the edge as they fought desperately to keep them back. They all screamed at each other, yelling in pain as they were hurt and screaming just as loud as the Grievers screeched.

"Thomas, there's a code! Plune!" Teresa yelled, making everything go back to the real speed things were happening. "Help!" Plune pushed herself off the ground, sprinting over to where Teresa and Chuck stood by the Griever Hole, numbers on a screen. "It's eight numbers."

"Eight numbers, eight numbers," she muttered, racking her brain.

"Eight sections of the maze!" Thomas shouted back. "Hey, Minho! What's the sequence?"

"What?" he yelled back.

"The sections of the maze! What's the sequence?"

"Seven," Plune muttered, putting it in as the same time Minho yelled it back to Thomas, "one, five, two, six, four..." They all turned around as they heard louder screams, seeing a Griever fall from below on top of Minho.Jeff ran forwards, stabbing the Griever before being dragged away.

"Jeff!" Winston screamed as Frypan held him back.

"Get that door open!" Frypan yelled without looking at them and Plune went back to the code.

"Uh, six, four, eight, three." The screen turned green before going away and revealing a small circular door they could crawl through. "It's open!" she yelled, turning back to the Gladers and they all rushed inside the circular cave in the wall before the door closed and the room went black. 

I know this one is a little shorter, but the last chapter is gonna be a bit longer than usual. I hope you enjoyed! Last chapter next week!

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