Chapter 14 - It's Over

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***Panic attack and claustrophobia

The Glade had descended into chaos, boys rushing around with torches as the sky grew dark.

"Plune, the doors," Winston panicked as she walked by. "They aren't closing."

"What?" she let out quietly before looking at the entrances to the maze which were wide open. Most of the Gladers had congregated at the main entrance and she joined them. They all stared into the maze before covering their ears as a large sound echoed through the Glade. They turned to see doors on the sides of the Glade open.

"Those aren't supposed to open until next week," Minho said about the rotation, two parallel doors open each week.

"Chuck, I want you to go to the Council Hall, okay," Thomas said, turning to the younger boy. "Start barricading the doors."

"Winston, go with him," Plune started delegating. "Everyone else split up. Hide in the forest, go to the Council Hall or other parts of the Homestead. Minho, take my key and the runners and slicers and gather any weapons you can from the shed. Then go to the Council Hall and forest. Thomas and Teresa, go get Alby." They all started splitting up before they heard the screeching and bellowing of the Grievers from the edge of the maze and some of the Gladers started to scream. "Everybody hide!" she screamed as everyone took off running through the Glade.

"Plune!" Newt called, but they got split up in the madness.

"Everyone go to the Homestead!" Plune tried, but no one heard her over the chaos as Grievers rolled into the Glade, screams everywhere.

"We're not gonna make it," Gally said, grabbing her hand and gathering the Gladers around them before pulling them to the box. "Go, go, go," he ushered them inside. He jumped down and held up his hand.

"No, no," Plune said, shaking her head violently.

"Plune, come on."


He reached up and grabbed her waist, pulling her down before closing the grate. "Stay down, stay down," he told everyone inside, two of the boys holding torches.

"Gally! Plune!" Eric yelled, running over to the box. "Let me in, let me in!" Gally went to open the grate before Eric screamed and was yanked out of sight. They all breathed heavily as Plune started to panic. Her entire body started shaking, the sounds of the Gladers screaming and the Grievers whirring disappearing as she felt the walls of the box closing in.

"Plune," a distant voice called quietly. "Plune." She realized her eyes were closed, forcing them open as her hands pulled at her hair. She saw Gally in front of her, vaguely recognizing the feeling of his hands on her shoulders. "Breathe," he whispered quietly as she shook. She continued shaking her head before grasping onto him and he held her tightly. 

Her world continued to blur as he head became fuzzy and her stomach swam. She tried to focus on Gally's arms around her shaking body to ground herself, but between the Grievers and the tight space she had been forced into, it was becoming increasingly difficult. She jumped as something hit the grate above her, making her look up. "Alby!" Plune realized.


"Hang on," she told him as he grasped onto the grate, a Griever clearly having a hold on him.

"Plune," he said again, getting her attention. "Take care of them for me."

Tears slid down her cheeks as she realized what was happening. "I promise," she whispered and he smiled before disappearing. "No!" she screamed, Gally taking her back into his arms and holding her tightly. They stayed that way until the Glade went quiet, the only sounds a deafening silence. No one knew how much time had past or how long the Grievers had been in the Glade or how long it had been since they had left. Gally let go of Plune, opening the grate and poking his head out. Once he determined it was safe, he climbed out and lifted Plune out. The others climbed out after and they all took in the damage. Some of the Glade was on fire from dropped torches and buildings were destroyed. The garden was in ruins and half of the Homestead had caved in. They saw movement at the Homestead and ran over, finding the Gladers coming out. Clint and Jeff were already setting up to take care of anyone who was wounded and others were rushing to put out the fire.

"Newt!" Plune yelled as she saw his familiar figure limping out. "Newt!"

"Thank God," he let out as she ran to him, holding her tightly as she wrapped her arms around him. "I thought you were... I couldn't find you," he cried as she buried her face in his neck. She couldn't speak, only holding onto him as she cried. She pulled away only as she heard shouts, finding some of the boys pulling Gally off of Thomas.

"You heard what Alby said!" Gally screamed as Minho and Frypan held him back. "He's one of them! He's one of them and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has! Look around, Thomas!"

"Stop!" Plune tried, but her voice was too broken to carry.

"Look around! This is your fault!" Plune looked between the two before watching Thomas stick himself with a Griever stinger laying on the ground.

"Thomas!" Teresa yelled as he screamed and fell to the ground. "Chuck, get the other serum." Plune watched, frozen as they rushed him to the new medical station the med-jacks had set up.

"What do we do?" Frypan asked her, pulling her out of shock. She looked around to see most of the remaining Gladers crowding around her, asking the same thing.

"I... I need everyone to find their group. Keepers take a headcount and report to me. If... If you don't have a Keeper, go to Newt," she said, checking with him and he nodded. "Anyone who's hurt needs to go to Clint and Jeff. They'll treat you on a needs basis." The Gladers broke off, trying to find their groups and reorient themselves. Plune met with all the remaining Keepers and Clint to take role of who they had. "Gally and Minho, take your boys and put out any more fires. Everyone else, start searching the rubble and around the Glade to see if anyone is trapped or hurt or still hiding." They all sprang into action, leaving Plune to stand at the rubble of the Homestead, her head reeling. She stared at the ruins in front of her, turning as the world seemed to move in slow motion as she watched the boys put out the remaining fires or go through the rubble. She didn't move as Newt came and stood beside her.

"How many?" he asked quietly.

"Fourteen. Fourteen Gladers unaccounted for. Fourteen Gladers dead," she broke down and he caught her, lowering them to the ground. "Alby's one of them. Newt, he's... He's gone."

"I know, love. I know," he tried to stay strong for her.

"I can't do this," she admitted. "Not without him."

"We need to hold a vote."

"Gally, not now," Newt looked up at him.

"Yes, now. We need to vote for new leaders now that Alby's gone."

"In the morning, Gally," Plune said, pulling away from Newt enough to look at him. "Everyone's been through enough tonight." He agreed with a nod before walking away and Newt pulled Plune into him again. 

I loved this chapter. I mean, super sad, but I'm really proud of it! I think this is one of my favorite chapter's I've written and I hope you all enjoyed!

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