Chapter 12 - Sick

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"We don't even know what this stuff is," Newt said as he looked at the vile Thomas and Teresa had brought them. "We don't know who sent it or why it came up here with you," he looked at Teresa. "I mean, for all we know, this thing could kill him."

"He's already dying," Thomas argued.

"It didn't come with any note or instructions?" Plune asked, her arms crossed as she tried to block out the labored and pained breaths of Alby who laid next to them. Teresa shook her head.

"Look at him," Thomas continued. "How could this possibly make it any worse?" Plune's hand found Newt's as they both looked at their friend who withered on the bed, still bound as his veins turned dark. "Come on, it's worth a try." Plune and Newt looked at each other for a moment, silently communicating.

"Alright," Newt finally said. "Do it." Thomas stepped forwards, coming to stand by Alby's side. Plune got closer to Newt, her grip on his hand tightening.

"Okay," Thomas looked at them before turning back to Alby, gasping as Alby's eyes opened.

"You shouldn't be here!" Alby yelled as he started to thrash more, grabbing onto Thomas' shirt and pulling at him. "You shouldn't be here!" Newt ran forwards, grabbing onto Alby and pulling him away from Thomas as Jeff came to help.

"Get the syringe!" Newt yelled as Alby screamed and tried to get out of their grasp. Teresa ran up, grabbing the syringe and putting it into Alby's chest. He suddenly stopped moving and they all let go, slowly backing up as they panted.

"Well, that worked," Jeff let out.

"Okay, from now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock," Newt ordered. Plune let out a shuddering breath as she unfroze, standing in the same spot Newt had left her. She took one more look at her friend before rushing out of the med-jack hut, managing to make it around back before she landed on her knees, her lunch making a reappearance. Her body shook as she continued to cough, arms barely supporting her as she dry heaved once nothing else came up. She didn't move as a gentle hand was placed on her back, another brushing the fallen strands of hair away from her face. Once she finally caught her breath, she leant back, ending up in Newt's arms. Her body still shook, but not as much.

"You alright?" Newt whispered in her ear as he held her. She managed a small nod, but they both knew she was lying. "Do you need me to get you anything?" She shook her head once. "Do you still feel sick?"

"I..." She was cut off as she started wretching again, Newt letting her go so she could get back on her hands and knees. He rubbed her back, removing the jacket tied around her waist. Newt looked up as Jeff came out, handing Newt a cup of water and a towel. Newt nodded in thanks and Jeff went back inside as Plune sat back down. He handed her the towel and she wiped her face before taking small sips of the water.

"Better?" She nodded. "Was it Alby?"

She nodded again. "Just... Seeing him like that..."

"I know, love." He took her hand and rubbed circles on it with his thumb. "How are you feeling?" he asked after a few more minutes, her skin becoming less clammy.

"A little better," she told him with her head resting against the wall of the med-jack hut. "I'm not nauseous, but my head hurts." She opened her eyes to see Newt looking at her with worry. "I'm fine, Newt."

"I'm pretty sure fine is the opposite of what you're describing."

She smiled. "And I'm sure it's just the lack of sleep and stress. I'll be back to normal in no time." He bit his lip, but nodded, helping her stand as Gally came over. "What's up, Gally?"

"Sundown. It's time."

She nodded, motioning to the tent. "Thomas is in there. You got him?"

"Yeah." He hesitated, looking her over as Newt helped to support her. "You alright?" She forced a smile and nodded. He nodded back before heading into the medjack tent.

"Come on, love," Newt whispered, helping her back to their room and laying her down.

"I'm fine, lover boy," she tried as she laid down, unable to hide the relief of the bed below her.

"Right," he chuckled. "Here," he handed her a cup of water. She drank a few sips before handing it back and laying down, staying silent as he did a few things around the room before coming back over to her with a clean shirt. He helped work her pants off first. "Arms up." She complied and he pulled the shirt over her head and unlatched her bra before slipping on one of his shirts onto her body. She laid back down and watched him as he put her clothes away.

"I love how you take such good care of me."

"I love it when you finally let me," he said over his shoulder, making her chuckle. He smiled at her, finishing changing his clothes and laying down next to her. She rolled onto her side and moved closer to him, putting her head under his chin as he intertwined their legs. "Get some rest, love."

"Whatever you say, lover boy."

I think this one was really sweet. I love being able to write the smaller moments between the two. I just find it really special. What did you guys think?

We Didn't Start the Fire - Book 1 (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now