- Chapter 7 -

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I finished treating his grips, I stole a glance before I put on the band-aid, I stopped at the sudden look, his eyes were glued to mine and all of a sudden, his antipathetic facade dropped, admiration was what his features entitled, as I was gazing him I felt my cheeks heating up, so were my ears, I could tell my face was getting a dark shade of red.

The feeling of that long eye contact wasn't clear, one thing I was certain about, was my stomach. I felt butterflies dancing up and down with every beat of my heart, it was overwhelming, why tho? Yes, he's the one who saved me, and I owe him a lot on this one, but it just won't sit right with me, I mean, last time he glared at me with weary eyes so right now, I'm surprised at his sudden face drop.

And just as butterflies were dancing to a harmonized rhythm, I got nervous, I hate the fact that when I'm nervous, or surprised, I simply freeze in my place, the same thing happened, until I awkwardly say

"U-uh... Here they are, uuh, don't put much um, pressure on them, y-yeah" my eyes are now jumping from both our hands, to his face, I avoided the look of his eyes and just embarrassingly glanced at anything my eyes landed on.

What a great time to stutter

I thought to myself while tucking a part of my hair that was covering my eye behind my ear.

Seonghwa's POV :

"Hello?... Hello?..."


This is the second time I get this kind of anonymous phone call, I got the first one last week, while I was in university, it only lasted a few seconds last time, and so is this time, I started getting annoyed because nobody has ever dared to play with me. I hung up confused but curious to know the identity of whoever called, anybody would say that probably it was just spam, a mistake, but my guts tell me otherwise.

I put my phone down on the table that was situated in the living room, made my way to the kitchen, and grabbed a snack, as I take my first bite, my phone started to ring again, this time, I was irritated, I walk furiously to see the caller ID, this time, luckily, it was Mingi.

Bestfriend isn't the right word to describe Mingi, Song Mingi, he was by my side since preschool, back when my mom was still around, when me and my little sister Seonghi were precious in my dad's eyes, when we were visible.

Mingi and I have been brothers this whole time, we always stood by each other's side, grew stronger as time goes, only he knew the real me, the awkward me, the playful me, clumsy Mingi always finds a way to make me smile. And by the way, both of us are business major students

"I thought it was someone else" I said, calmly.

"Oh I see, you either finally got a girl, or stepped out of your bubble, and for this case, it's both" He says, smiling, I didn't see him smile but I knew instantly, he is so obvious, his voice is, he can't hide his emotions.

"Oh please shut up you don't know anything"

"So it's real, I feel sorry for the girl, and I need to meet her, to decide whether to give you permission to date or not, I' m an expert you know" He finished his line, laughing from phrase to phrase.

"Yeah that's why you're single" My eyes squinting in disbelief, I can't with this guy.

"Hmm, good point Mr. Park, no offense taken"

Aggressively cold eyes - Seonghwa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now