- Chapter 35 -

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Seonghwa's POV:

"You've grown up so well"

I wonder how these six words came easily off her mouth, I watch as she smiles at me, and a divine of sweet shiny eyes hover over me like a heavy familial hurricane, I found myself fighting the urge to break down right there. Now that she's calling me son, I don't know how I should respond. And suddenly the word I've been desiring to listen to for many years just got into my ear hugging my heart. It feels surreal. My mom is right here, only a few meters away, she has grown as well, wonderfully, I want to say that, though, the words are stuck, or, I do stock them inside. For this time at least, I don't wanna be straightforward, instead, I just want answers.

"I missed you, son" Right, she may have aged, she might be dressed differently from what I remember, but her voice didn't. It's still as soft and warm as I remember.

I missed you.

Frankly, that's how I truly feel, deep down, I'm not evading reality, I wanna hug her so badly, I want to handle my mother's warmth, just like back then. This reflection, however, survives for a minute or some, only to recall that this beloved human, gave up on me and my little sister, she's scanning me graciously. For a moment, I was going to believe the fact that she feels as she declares, but I do not, otherwise, why did she give up on us 16 years ago? I refuse to glimpse and merely toss it back up as I don't want it. I grind my molars, expressions as thunderous as the heavy clouds of that September darkness. Who is she fooling? if anyone should feel like crying, it should be me.

She noticed my clenched fists and she reached closer, with conscience howling in the rear of my brain, wonder filling the air, chaos marking my face, it's effortless for my automatic reflexes to work at that moment. Before she made it where I'm standing, I'd already backed off, limiting her soft hand to brushing my feverish profile. The worst kind of torture.

"Seonghwa please, I'm not asking for much, just a piece of your time"

Will a little be enough to conclude 16 years of absence? I think not. Do I wanna listen? Hell yeah? But will I?

"You have no excuse for showing up after I finally got mentally fine, wrecking it up once again, you have entirely no liberty to arise into Sunhi's life, she doesn't even know you for God's sake"

"Please, son" Her set of eyes well, identical to the dark grey sky, I interrupt.

"I give you honors, though, sixteen years penalty punishment had taught us a lot actually" I suppose my vision grow darker, fiercer, now that not only me but my sister is affected. The amplest look of regret took possession over my mother's features, I guess it was guilt. Whatever it was, she deserves it, even though I don't wanna be brutal, I can't act daze on it. Audible footsteps were the next thing given attention to in that loud quietness, I walk away, dodging whatever lies she was about to feed me, but then, in a fraction of the time, I stop...

"I was ditched in the middle of an empty village road," She speaks, defenselessly voicing. "They told us it was for one of the associations we contribute to, that night, we were headed to that town"

I stop and spin around to meet her, her skull low, she carries on.

"They kicked me out of the car, surrounded by stray dogs, no street lights, no phone, no vehicles," She sighs "No wonder why they'd invited me exceptionally that day, turns out, they had arranged him a marriage with a woman from a notorious family, knowing that I'm just a random librarian. Assuring him of the CEO position. A weak move. When your dad and I were still together, his family used to oppress everything and anything we do, plant problems, fake scenes, but when he didn't believe them, they threw me in the center of nowhere and persuaded him that I'd cheated on him and run away, to which he believed and that the woman brought for him is way better"

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