- Chapter 12 -

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I waved goodbye to my family, and God how many times I tried to hide my tear, as I moved the camera a little to my shoulder in the act of getting something, I missed them so much, my parents were the type that everybody wants, cheerful, accepting, and coaching, my dad is the coach in the success path, as his profession is a businessman, my mom, is the coach in the emotional side, like all mothers, she would give me relationship advice, raised me on being responsible, respectful, caring, and admiring. You could have remarked that even tho my dad's profession is in the business field, I followed my passion and studied art, it was because of his accepting and encouraging words, he didn't make me follow his path, instead, he always told me

"People are different, we don't have the same preferences, opinions, beliefs, that is what makes us human beings, always remember, that it's okay to be different, being different is just another synonym of being unique. Your mom and I will never force something on you, and will always be cheerful about whatever step you decide to take in life, because, at the end of the day, we lived our life decorated with all sweet and sour moments, we made it through, with our own rules, our own choices, and now it's for you to make decisions, and to experience the sweet and sour obstacles"

I missed their bright joyous smiles...

I got up to close my balcony curtains only to be met with a-pleasantly cute-furious Seonghwa sitting on his bed, struggling to type something on his phone due to the bandages around his fists, my nostalgic tears suddenly turned into laughter, at the sight of a struggling Seonghwa, his scuffle with his hands were so funny that it seemed like I was watching a comedy show, however, the humor exhibit didn't last for long, as Jihwan was facing my back and her unlooked-for action made me realize that I was too obvious observing the black-haired male from across the balcony wide glassy door, she rapidly holds the curtains that were held by my grip and shuts them down, putting on a curious look on her figure as she looks at me and says

"Can you PLEASE explain why were you staring at HIM, smiling like a dumbass?"

"I... What? Smiling? When did I ev" I tried escaping from the sudden investigations, she boldly interrupted me and carried on

"don't you even try Lee Jiwoon I know you too well" she says, arms crossed, her legs were in the same position, sitting agreeably on my bed, the smiley squishy adorable cute girl who was doing aegyo, turned into a detective within minutes.

I know it, I know that if ever Jihwan asks you seeming horribly suspicious about something, then you're done for sure, she's a lie detector and a truth finder.

I can't deny that I struggled - a lot - trying to gather my courage.

"Aah I don't know either Jihwan, I don't think he's THAT type of a person you know?" I pronounced

"What do you mean by that?" said a prying-eyed Jihwan.

"I just don't know, I think he's not an aggressive person, I agree on the fact that he's pulling a strong demeanor, but I just can't stop thinking about the numerous times that somehow made me change my mind"

"Ahaaaa... Continue ?" the girl was now looking at me with a mom face trying to make her son pronounce his first words, motioning her right hand in circular movements, the left one still crossed.

"Aha what? Continue what? Oh my Lord Jihwan go to sleep, we have uni tomorrow for your information" I utter, strongly pushing the curious girl out of my room.

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