- Chapter 10 -

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Last week of Mai

Narrator's POV:

It was currently 15:27 and Jiwoon has been working since noon, Jisung couldn't make it to work today as he was sick, Jooyoung was smiling as always but from time to time she would frown looking around where he would usually make his little dances listening to his favorite songs, Jiwoon knew the cause of the usually sarcastic girl's frown.

Jiwoon rushed to the wide TV hanging in the corner of the large beige wall, displaying Spotify and playing Golden by Harry Styles as it was Jooyoung's favorite song, it only took the older girl two seconds to look at Jiwoon, she didn't fail to embrace her with an exciting feature, hopping a little in her place.

Just as Jooyoung went to serve a table the tiny doorbell sound was heard as a sign of a customer entering the warm place, the body stood on the other side of the counter where Jiwoon was, but snuggled under it searching for something. The moment she was about to stand up she suddenly bumped the back of her head with the solid counter, and man it was hurting, a tiny 'a-ah' was heard by the present body standing there, she quickly stood up rubbing her fingers hardly trying to calm the bump, she said hurriedly before locking eye-contact with the waiting buyer.

"I- I'm sorry, what's your ord-...."

She paused her moves, lost in her world at the sight of a tall black-haired Seonghwa, whose face didn't show a single expression, her eyes were glued to his as he wasn't planning on leaving her sight, he just kept on eye-gazing the short female, until her mind drifted back to reality and snapped out of their eye-lock.

"U- uh, w- what would you like to order?" she said looking at the cash register and then at him again with the absence of an answer from the tall man.

He took a few more seconds analyzing her features until he goes

"Strawberry milkshake" he was currently looking down, somehow finding the floor interesting, slightly pursing his lips, and as Jiwoon made her finger close to the tablet she stopped at her action looking at an uncomfortable Seonghwa.

"What?" he looks at her with wide eyes trying to gather his persona.

She laughed a little under her breath, it was her first time looking at him being shy like this, he looked so pure, she never imagined he would be so innocent like this, she thought as she typed on her tablet.

A strawberry milkshake? Really... Park Seonghwa.

"it's gonna be 9000 won, please" She said, her smile caused her eyes to crease and revealed her one-sided little dimple.


Seonghwa's POV :

I made my way to an empty table in the corner of the café, facing a happy Jiwoon, she is definitely still laughing at me, why did I come here in the first place-- but wait, I don't know why of all places I chose this café, plus, I could've just gone to Mingi's dad coffee shop -- aah, I don't know where was my mind.

I finished my drink but established myself in the same place, it seemed calm, I just continued looking at her, but now, captivating her colleague's attention as I was gazing a little too much, I couldn't give a damn, and I just let her be all cautious and suspicious, she would be triggered by me to say most, I did not care as long as Jiwoon wouldn't remark my constant stares.

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