- Chapter 27 -

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I turned up the lights on the dark apartment after coming back from outside, taking off my shoes and replacing them with my grey slippers, the usual coziness floating in my house was surprisingly absent, I didn't wanna come back, my mind kept thinking about her, to be honest, she didn't leave my sight when I walked her to her apart building, and these days, I couldn't shrug her picture off my imagination, I'm usually a rational person, I don't, certainly don't rely on imagination, I'm realistic, and I think objectively, but why am I being so busy thinking about her, keeping a mini photo of her in my mind, why am I carrying her around with me wherever I went, she's too hard to not notice, it was something about her that made my attention captivate. Something that I never did to a girl.

Now, without even changing my clothes, I found myself sheepishly grinning at her frame from across her room, she didn't see me, and I didn't want her to, it's gonna be way too awkward, I might be all strong and straightforward, I don't care about what people say, my lifestyle is way too different from what normal people prefer to do. The truth untold, I get really nervous when looking at her, I articulate my words and thankfully they're out flawlessly, I fix my hair and clothes before meeting her, I pay attention to the smallest details, I somehow wanna look perfect in front of her and want her to have a high opinion on me, so now, it's better off me admiring the angelic girl from my dark room, without getting caught. All eyes on her, I'm able to stare down comfortably.

I got awfully agitated when I saw her looking in the direction of my bedroom, her eyes were still searching, it was intense, and suddenly my face started to distribute a hot temperature, I'm a business student but I studied science before, it's adrenaline, I know it, my breath turned hasty, she just got interrupted by Sunhi, Ah, thank you Sunhi, that was close, but wait, why did my breath break, why was I blushing, I'm so dense, I need to rest.

"Jiwoon, you're truly a wonder."

I grinned at the girl cozily talking in the other extremity.

Jiwoon's POV :

I couldn't bring myself to walk properly on the ground, it felt as if I was flying, I can feel it, the heart eyes I made when waving him goodbye from a distance, my breath was saturated, ah, fresh air, I loved the sky, I loved the empty route, I loved the flowers dancing to the rhythm of the breeze, as if they were dancing to my heartbeats, I loved everything tonight, yet, that feeling was nothing compared to the amount of excitement that hovered over my body, absent-minded, slow-witted, I waved him goodbye arm displayed mid-air, a tiny hop marked my place, he just smiled and waved back, Woah, so masculine of him, for once, I didn't nag myself on my uncontrollable reaction, the hop I made was out of happiness, so, let it be for once.

I stood up facing the grey elevator, energy and excitement failing to slow down, I had to process what happened tonight, I'm too dazed, how come? I didn't even drink.

"hmm hmm, I guess that's the feeling of looove" I said out loud, pitching my voice through the sentence, ah, I felt like I was a Disney princess, embracing the view in front of me, the portraits hung in the staircase leading the way to the floors upstairs, ah, I don't wanna take the elevator, not tonight, not tonight, I started climbing the stairs slowly, taking my time in admiring the wide paintings, leisurely dancing with the air surrounding me, I fell in step while moving to the music I was humming, the feeling was dreamlike, as if my body floating in a light blue ocean, feeling the coldness of the water shivering my body, going to the surface and embracing the warmth of the sun, as if I had wings and now I'm lying in the highest point of a mountain, the breathtaking stars in the clear sky shining effortlessly, heart in the seventh sky, I'm strangely satisfied, and before I could know, I'm here standing in front of the apartment door, still wearing the same smile, spreading across my face, I struggled - a lot-to hide it, they don't have to know all these details, right? I took a deep breath, restricting my energy to overflow.

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