- Chapter 20 -

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"You're still as heartless as always"


Seonghwa's POV :

The steady roar of my black g-wagon zoned out after I parked in the back parking yard in the villa's territory, the backyard was a sanctuary for nature, a miniature woodland of trees of all ranges and growth, each of them trimmed as if they were green flames, the place was so nostalgic as I stood in the middle of the hard-rocked front yard ground embracing the full view of my childhood house, the luxurious modern mansion leaned into the light as if it seeks the warmth, the setting sun shone softly embracing the place, it's here, where all my memories were created, and where I buried them deep down the dark brown soil myself, on my mom's took-off, and on Seo Hanna's boarding, it's here, where I was happier the most, and devastated the most. The house was a kaleidoscope of memories, photographs adorning the spacious garden, of me and Sunhi planting seeds along with mom, of when she used to grill meat for us in the barbeque that, now, isn't visible anymore, or even on the hot summery day when we used to build small shields and throw water balloons as bombs, each of them conjuring the emotions of those sweet eternal moments.

And just as I was planning on taking the first steps digging into the box of memories, I got stopped by endless rings on my phone, the sight of the incognito number displayed on top, the annoying anonymous number, I got pretty much used to it, and even though I'm still ignorant about their identity, I already know it's the same person calling again and again.

I stayed quiet, not bothering my mouth to move and mention.

Unlike last time, I heard nothing, nobody was sobbing, the call was quiet, that was before the interlocutor decided to clear their throat, and before I could say anything, I was interrupted once again, I felt tappings on my back causing my focus to drift apart, a fond smile quickly seemed to form in the corners of my lips as soon as San started laughing, he pulled me into a strong hug bumping the shoulders in the process, I hurriedly pressed on the red hang-off button to end the call.

"Finally out of your comfort zone?"

"Shut it, let's go" I tried putting on a neutral face but the white clean energy shared by my stepbrother was hard to step on.

"Who was it on the call? Your soulmate? Or was it just Mingi? " He slightly arched his eyebrows childishly, marching his feet.

"You just won't stop talking about soulmates now will you?"

"I'm just saying" he prompted.

We made it inside of the generous residence, it was still the same, as majestic as always, the Italian marble floor shone effortlessly reflecting everything on the other extremity giving an expansive feature to the house, the luxurious chandeliers still hung on the nine-foot-long ceiling, the luminous entryway had me standing foolishly observing the place in silence, San stood by my left, he didn't do anything but waited for me comfortably, I looked at the royal imperial staircase, reminiscing all the bittersweet memories.

This place was home to me for so many years, it's where I learned how to walk, where I got my first dent token off, and where I waited helplessly for Santa to get me a remote control car, when my most difficult decision was to pick an ice-cream flavor, but with my mother vanishing, my life has changed ever since. Reality unfiltered, we were left behind, as if she wasn't our mother in the first place, I'm not mad, I keep convincing myself, but thinking about it, I guess I really am, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem at the moment, affecting my personality, making me close the gates on myself, and refuse any kind of approach from anyone.

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