- Chapter 8 -

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Narrator's POV :

Jiwoon took a few steps away from the closed shop doorstep, she was scared because the street seemed dark and scary, she got flashbacks, and started hesitating on whether she should carry on, or go back to where Seonghwa was, she just didn't want to bother him too much, him defending her was more than enough.

"Hey" said the male from behind, facing her back.

Jiwoon turned around to the source of the voice, she looked at him, trying her best to maintain a natural comfortable face.

"You sure on going back alone?" he asks, his usual unreadable facial expressions taking over his features.

She stayed silent for a moment, gathered her breath, and said

"Yeah, you don't need to worry, I'm good"

He watches as she deviates from the truth.

"Don't fool me, I can see the way your fingers fidgeting you know" He scoffed, directing his eyes to her tangled fingers, it showed how scared she was.

She quickly hid her palms behind her back, slightly widening her eyes, he got up and went closer and closer, the sight of him approaching her made her feel secure and bashful at the same time, although he was directing his gaze to the long shadowy alley instead of her, it was more than enough to just walk next to him.

Jiwoon's POV:

The fact that he walked in my direction felt so slow-motioned and didn't sit right with me, I felt good tho, he's giving me company, I couldn't ask for more, he took a few steps ahead of me till he stopped and slightly shifts his gaze to where mine was, to face a frozen me giving him my back, I was still processing that I completely forgot my current situation, I was still looking at the place he was sat at.

I flinched and shakily snapped my head out of my world when I hear him suddenly clear his throat, I looked at him, he motioned his head to the road without saying a word, and God how embarrassed I felt, how do I simply forget about people around me and just dive into my planet.

We started walking in the long gloomy passage, the awkward silence was what entitled the moment, I don't know how to start decent conversations, I suck at it, so I really want him to say something, but, thing is, I knew he wasn't going to take the initiative, nor was he going to say much, I wondered a little until it finally hit me.

I don't even know his name, I mean, I know it, from what Jihwan told me the other day, but he didn't officially introduce himself to me, should I ask for his name? no no no no I won't I won't.

My eyes started their usual desultory in hopes I could figure out how to assemble a decent sentence for the tall man next to me, I was trying to organize my ideas, I didn't realize I was whispering to myself.

"Right, ask him first, then introduce myself, right, that's how people do, ri-"

The guy stopped at his steps, I was still walking wondering whether I should ask him for his name, or to introduce myself straight away, I stopped when I noticed an empty place on my left.

I looked at him perplexed, while he looked, um, well, cold, as always, how does this man keeps a straight face to my embarrassing gaze, I already wanna kill myself from the number of times I have been embarrassed in front of him.

Aggressively cold eyes - Seonghwa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now