Chapter 4: Making Things Right

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Remus's POV

     (Warning for Swearing)

     "May we talk?" Logan asked, pulling my attention towards him. "Hmm? Oh, uh... Sure, I guess." I agreed. I gave Janus a reassuring smile so he wouldn't kill the guy before following him down the hall. I don't know why I felt so nervous, he didn't really do anything wrong it was just... I don't know. I hate him for having things better than I have them, but that's not really his fault. Maybe it's just being separated from my friends that's making me nervous, but then again, I was nervous before then.

     Logan relaxed once we were out of range of Janus's death glare, and began to talk after we turned the corner. "I apologize if what I said earlier made you feel inadequate. That was not my intention. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just... I'm not very good at understanding people and their emotions." He explained. He didn't look at me as he talked, but I assume that's because he was walking in front of me. I tried walking beside him, but he remained looking forward. I decided to leave it be.

     "It's cool. You didn't really do anything wrong, Janus can just be overprotective." I dismissed. Logan gave a small nod, always looking forward as he turned the corner. "Still, I would be willing to make it up to you." He told me. "Oh? And how would you do that?" I asked him curiously. Finally he looked at me, thinking for a moment before speaking. "What would make us even in your point of view?" Logan asked. Usually I'd laugh menacingly if someone gave me that kind of opportunity, but this time I shrugged. "I don't know... Hmm..." I began, over exaggerating a thinking expression.

     "To be honest I usually just break people's stuff to get even with them, but you seem alright so I won't be doing that." I decided. "That doesn't sound like a good way to resolve conflict." Logan critiqued. "Though I understand things are different on the Isle than here, I'm not judging you, I'm simply making an observation." He quickly added. "Eh, I learned pretty quickly on the Isle that the best way to stop someone from bothering you is to bother them back. No one's ever, like, apologized before though, so I don't really know how to go about it now." I admitted.

     Logan looked forward again, thinking. Then he looked back at me. "What do you like to eat or drink?" He asked. "I'll eat or drink anything really." I told him, waving off a fly that was flying around me. I was tempted to eat it to prove my point, but it flew away before I could catch it. "And don't worry, I'm not one of those bitches that says that but then says no to every suggestion." I added with a snicker. All my friends were like that though. It's real fucking annoying.

     Now, I'm not sure if I'm seeing right, but I'm pretty sure, like, 69% sure, that I saw Logan smile. This man has had a blank expression since we got here, and I don't know if it's always like that or if it's just because we're here. Just now, however, I swear he smiled slightly, and... I'm not sure, really, how I feel about that, but it almost feels like I accomplished something.

     "Alright, then I know a nice little cafe we could go to. It will be my treat, to make up for the misunderstanding." Logan offered. "Sure! We'll just have to let my friends know where I am." I agreed. I started bouncing a little as we walked. I was starting to get excited now, since I never had coffee before, no less rich people coffee. My friends, despite being caffeine addicts, never let me have coffee. For good reason, I'll admit, since I'm more hyper than a toddler, but Logan didn't need to know that.

     Logan nodded as we stopped in front of a door. "Just wait here a moment, I'll be back." He informed me. I nodded, and he entered the room. According to the sign it was his Mom's office. I started spinning around and looking for something to mess with while waiting. I pulled the sharpie from Emile's gift bag out of my pocket, ready to draw in the walls. Unfortunately, Logan was back out before I could get started. "Are you ready?" He asked after closing the door behind him.

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