Chapter 9: A Little Flavour and a Touch of Fear

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Virgil's POV

Okay, so I managed to find a spell that told me what was in the cookies. Flour, eggs, all that jazz, but I have no idea how to put those together. I guess I'm just going to have to figure it out as I go, I mean, how hard could it be? I also got most of the ingredients for the love potion, and Remy texted me saying that I could find the rest in the garden, which he texted me directions to, explaining that he was busy at the moment and couldn't bring them to be.

Now, I just needed the ingredients for the cookies, which would likely be in the kitchens. Roman showed us the kitchens during the tour and had assured us that all students, including us, were allowed to use them. The plan was pretty straight (*snorts*) forward. Based on Patton's gesture, it seems that cookies are an appropriate gift in Auradon, or at least it would make sense for me to think so considering Patton made them for us. I would make the cookies as a gift for Roman, with the love potion inside, and make sure he eats one while in front of me. Simple.

I tried to keep my anxiety calm as I walked down the halls. I was carrying a bag of really weird ingredients so I didn't want anyone to gets suspicious. Not like anyone could see the contents of the bag. Also the trip from the weird indoor garden to the kitchen wasn't a long one. So it was very unlikely anyone would question me.

My anxiety, however, seems to be ignoring that logic, and is putting me into alert mode. I mean, to be fair, I am making a love potion to make a Prince fall in love with me. Maybe I have the right to be anxious. My thoughts reminded me, causing me to cringe as I entered the kitchen. "Shut up." I mumbled to my thoughts before looking around.

I managed to find everything I needed, even a few ingredients for the potion. I stared at them, wondering how on earth I was going to turn all these things into something edible. Maybe I should make the potion first and figure out the cookies later?

"What are you making?" Someone asked from behind me, causing me to turn on my heel to face them. I almost fell back in the process, but managed to catch myself on the counter. "Oh, sorry, I kinda snuck up on you. I was just getting something to eat." He explained, holding up the snack he was eating.

"Huh, alright. Uh, I'm making cookies, for Prince Roman." I explained. Gods, I'm making cookies for a prince so I can use a love potion on him. This is... I hate this. I thought after saying that. "Prince Patton made us some so I guess that's a thing Auradons do so I wanted to make some for Roman to thank him for inviting us here." I explained, trying but failing to keep the nerves out of my voice. "Aw! that's so sweet! Can I help? Oh, I'm Ember by the way, Mulan's kid." He cheered.

     "Oh, uh... Virgil, Maleficent's kid." I replied, staring at Ember's hand as he held it out to me. I reluctantly reached my hand out and allowed him to shake it. Should I let him help? Probably not... Mulan's kid is probably one of the last people I should be getting to help make a love potion. However, my so-called friends have yet to show up, and I haven't the slightest idea how to make cookies. "And... yeah, you can help." I agreed after sorting that out. "Though some of the ingredients might be a bit weird, I'm using a... family recipe." I warned. It wasn't technically a lie.

     "Fine by me. I guess that's to be expected since you're from the Isle." Ember agreed. I couldn't help but smirk at that. "Oh yeah, lizard eye cookies are all the rage there." I replied sarcastically. "Huh? Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that. I just, well, maybe I meant it like that, but not in a bad way. I think it's cool that things would be different there!" Ember stammered. I just chuckled at him and shook my head, amused by his attempts to be polite. "You wouldn't think it's so cool if you were actually there." I dismissed. "It is cool, but you Auradon kids would have a heart attack." I then clarified.

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