Chapter 30: 'Stolen' Hearts and Curses

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Janus's POV

     I was enjoying my time getting to know Emile's family, learning about everything from the different kinds of tea, to deep philosophical theories, to how marbles are made.

     (Author's note: Here's a video if you're interested in how marbles are made)

     "Yes, it's quite an interesting process. So much work just to make one little glass ball. Very fascinating. Not as important work as hat making, in my opinion, but certainly impressive." Emile's father chattered.

     As he did, I noticed Remy running out of the courtyard, and couldn't help but feel concerned. "May I be excused? I think a friend of mine needs my help." I requested politely. "Oh yes, of course of course. I'll keep your tea warm while you're gone, do be back soon." The Hatter permitted. I nodded before getting up and taking my leave, giving Emile a reassuring look as I did since he seemed concerned. "What a nice fellow, and such fine taste in hats. A simple hat, yes, but simple can be the best way to go sometimes." I heard the Hatter chatter as I went to get Remus and Virgil.

They were both sitting with Belle and Beast. I could feel my shoulders become tense as I walked towards the table. Remus made a muffled sound to greet me, I'm assuming he was attempting to say "Jannie!" But his mouth was full of marshmallows so I couldn't tell. "What?" Virgil asked him, turning to see me. "Oh, hey Janus. Remus was just trying to see how many marshmallows he could fit in his mouth." Virgil informed me, rolling his eyes. "I see..." I replied. My focus was lost to looking nervously towards the King and Queen. I quickly shook out of it. With a sigh, I turned my attention fully to Virgil.

     "We... We have a situation." I told him. "What do you mean?" Beast asked in an intimidating tone. I felt my back tense up as I looked towards him. "Remy... Our friend friend ran off, I figured I'd get these two so that we could see what was wrong." I explained, attempting to sound calm. I managed to keep my voice from shaking, but, I might have sounded a little more intimidating than I meant to in the process. "Remy?" Virgil asked, quickly standing up. "Oh, uh... Is it okay if-" He began to ask as Remus stood up as well. "Yes, it's fine dear. Go help your friend." Belle assured him kindly.

     "Alright, we will come back for the coronation. If we aren't back sooner, uh... thanks, for being patient with us... I know it's probably not ideal having us here." Virgil stammered a bit, looking down as he said this. Beast made a grumbling sound, but Belle gave Virgil a warm, reassuring smile. Even though it was directed at Virgil, I felt my own tension ease a bit as well. "It's not a problem. You are all welcome here." She assured him. Virgil only seemed to feel more anxious at her words, at her smile, but he nodded. "Thanks." He muttered before heading off. Remus and I followed.

     It was kind of nice, in a way. Walking in a V formation, Remus and I walking behind Virgil and next to each other while Virgil lead us down the hall. It was like things had always been, before our group had been tossed around between our new friends. Hopefully, once we got used to this place, we'd be able to become more of a unit again.

     We found Remy at his and Virgil's dorm, where he was laying on his bed hugging a pillow tightly. When we entered the room, he quickly sat up, put his sunglasses back on, and set the pillow aside. "Hey..." He murmured weakly. I have to admit, it was odd seeing him like this. Remy was usually so laid back and relaxed, he didn't take anything seriously. I always found it annoying, to be honest. Now I just felt concerned. "What happened" Virgil asked, sitting beside him.

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