Chapter 21: If Only

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Virgil's POV
(Warning for food)

I smiled as I walked down the halls with Roman, arm linked with his and heart racing. He brought me to the school lobby and signed us out, then held the school doors open for me. "After you, my Dark Prince." He stated, causing me to chuckle. "I think you're going to need a new name, Princey. I'm starting to get used to that one." I taunted as I stepped out of the door.

"Hmm... How about My Darling of the Night?" Roman suggested, causing me to make a flustered sound. "I... uh..." I stammered, causing him to chuckle. "Darling of the Night it is." Roman decided before handing me a helmet. "Now, put this on." He told me, smiling gently before walking over to a motorcycle. I froze as my eyes widened in surprise. "You drive a motorbike?" I gasped. "Surprised?" Roman asked, smirking a little as he climbed on and put on his own outfit. "Yeah..." I admitted, chuckling a little as I walked over. "I thought you were too delicate for something like this." I teased before climbing on. "Delicate, huh?" Roman asked in a mischievous tone. "Mhmm." I hummed playfully.

"We'll see about that. You may want to hold on." He warned. "To what?" I asked, beginning to panic as I looked around for a handle or something to grab onto. I've never actually ridden a motorcycle before. I had one that I fixed up on the Isle, but I only drove that and it always crashed. Roman chuckled and reached a hand back, taking one of mine and placing it on his side. "Oh..." I realized, feeling my heart skip a beat as I wrapped my arms around him. Now it was Roman's turn to act flustered.

Roman took a moment to calm himself down before starting the motorcycle and driving off, picking up speed rather quickly. I clung tightly to him, feeling adrenaline race through me as he drove onto the rode. Roman eventually began to weave his way through traffic, causing my anxiety to spike. "Roman!" I shouted holding tighter onto him. "Not so delicate now, am I?" Roman shouted back playfully. "You'll get us killed!" I told him, causing him to chuckle. His whole body vibrated when he chuckled. I'd be dazed by the feeling if I wasn't getting my nerves shot by his driving.

"Roman!" I shouted, voice cracking as he weaved around another car. "Okay, okay." Roman laughed, eventually moving to a safer lane to drive his bike in and slowing down a bit. "Maybe you're the one who's delicate." He teased. "Shut up..." I groaned, causing him to laugh as I loosened my grip. I still clung to him tightly, but he could probably breath a little easier now.

He pulled over into some parking lot off the highway. I looked around, the eeriness of a place like this at night feeling familiar to me. "So, which one of us is the serial killer that lured the other here?" I joked as Roman parked the bike. Roman chuckled as I let go of him and got off. "It's not me, I can tell you that." Roman assured me as he took off his helmet. I laughed at his helmet hair, causing him to blush before smoothing it down. "Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't me?" I questioned, taking off my helmet as he rolled his eyes at me. "One, I've made it very clear that I trust you, Virgil. Two, how could you have lured me here? I was the one that drove. Three, how the hell do you not have helmet hair?" Roman scoffed.

"My hair's magic, Princey." I chuckled bad he took the helmet. "Also, you don't know, I could have used mind control or something on you." I teased. While he put the helmets away, my smile fell into a guilty expression. In a way, that is what's happening. I reminded myself. "Well I would be quite surprised if you did, because this place is very special to me." Roman informed me before walking towards a path that lead into the forest.

I blinked in confusion, and stared at the hand he offered me. I accepted it, and we walked together down the forest path.

Roman helped me down the path, walking slowly so that we could enjoy the atmosphere of the forest, and the feeling of each other's company. It was nice, walking in the fresh air, surrounded by a healthy forest and the smell of pine, the sound of animals awake in the night surrounding us, and the sight of the stars overhead. His hand in mine made me feel warm, and the feeling of dirt and twigs and pine needles beneath my feet grounded me to help me relax.

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