Chapter 28: Family Day; White Lies

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Remy's POV

"Okay... Okay... I can do this..." Virgil muttered, standing in front of the courtyard doors with the container of cookies in hand, and myself by his side. Virgil wore a dark purple dress with a black corset. The skirt's hem was decorated in frills, and was short in the front but long in the back. He wore a black cloak overtop the dress, and black leggings with decorative tears underneath it. He looked taller than he usually did, due to the black heeled boots with purple buckles he wore. His make up was done up similarly to his dates with Roman, and his horns were decorated with purple designs that I had painted on. Love potion or no, if Roman wasn't already in love with Virgil, he better be now. I worked hard to make him look stunning.

"You can." I assured him, offering an encouraging smile. He put the container of cookies into his bag before pushing the doors open, and I followed him inside... or, outside, I guess, since it's a courtyard. Fortunately, I still had the sun hat Patton gave me. Redecorated, of course. No offence to my new boyfriend, but the blue ribbons weren't my style.

When we arrived, Patton was already at the door, pacing between the entrance and the snack table. "You good there, Pat?" Virgil asked, causing the Prince to stop and look at us with a startled expression. He smiled brightly and giggled before nodding. "Mhmm! Just a little nervous... How are you guys? You both look amazing by the way!" Patton cheered, causing Virgil to shrug and tuck his head in a little. I swear that man has the instincts of a turtle. Some kind of turtle cat hybrid...

"Then again, it's no surprise. You guys always look great!" Patton asked, offering a wink towards me.

I chuckled, smiling at him as Virgil looked back and forth between us. "Right.... I'm gonna go meet the King and Queen that so happen to be my boyfriend's parents. Wish me luck on not getting executed." Virgil sighed before walking off. "Break a leg!" I called, chuckling as he glared playfully over his shoulder. He always hated that phrase, since he used to take it literally and get anxious over it. "Oh dear..." Patton sighed, watching Virgil leave with a sympathetic expression.

"He'll be fine." I dismissed with a shrug. "Worse they'll do is send him back to the Isle, and his Mom's the only one that wouldn't kill him." I added nonchalantly. "What?" Patton asked, turning back to me with a shocked expression. "Don't worry about it." I told him, waving my hand dismissively. "No, I'm going to worry about it." Patton informed me. "You don't have to. They can't touch us here, remember?" I assured him, causing Patton to smile softly and nod. Though he still seemed nervous.

"We'll be okay." I assured him, returning the smile and taking his hand in mine. "We've decided to stay here." I added, causing him to light up. "You have?" He exclaimed hopefully. I nodded, bringing his hand too my lips and kissing the back of it. I felt a rush of nerves follow, which... Was unusual. Usually flirting was easy for me, but with him... I always felt all nervous, and giddy when he flirted back. Fortunately, he blushed and giggled at the gesture, which calmed my nerves a bit.

     I nodded after lowering his hand, and reaching my hand towards his cheek. He smiled fondly at me, but then looked hesitant, and reached up his free hand to stop mine from touching his cheek. "Wait, not here... I still have to talk to my family." He whispered, wearing a guilty expression as he pulled both his hands away. "Oh..." I replied, the hand that had reached for his cheek clenching into a fist as I brought it back. I nervously cleared my throat before lowering it to my side, which seemed to make him feel more worried. "Sorry..." He apologized, and I quickly shook my head.

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