Chapter 16: Study Date

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Roman's POV
(Warning for: Discussion of unhealthy living conditions, food, mention of gross drink, mention of alcohol, discussion about manipulation and abuse, and discussion about homophobia.)

     "After you, my dark Prince." I stated, holding the door open for Virgil. "I'm not your anything." Virgil informed me with a teasing smirk. "Not yet anyways." He then added, causing my heart to fill up with hope. "That's alright. I will earn your hand, for it would be an honour, a great privilege, to be with you." I declared as he looked around the restaurant. "Nice place... Certainly smells better than the restaurants on the Isle." He commented with a chuckle.

     "Can I get the two of you a seat?" The hostess asked, offering a respectful bow when she recognized me. I sighed, a little irritated by the gesture. I managed a charming smile and nodded. "Yes, a table for two, please." I confirmed. The hostess nodded and brought us to a table, and as we walked there I began to realize this may have been a mistake... Being seen in public on a date could be risky, considering I was still betrothed to Coraline... I'll figure it out. I assured myself as we sat down. Right now the most important thing is getting to know Virgil. I thought as we were handed our menus.

     "Can I get you and your friend anything to drink, your highness?" A waitress asked, having followed the hostess when she noticed it was me. Right, heteronormativity is a thing. People are probably just going to assume we're friends. Works for now, I guess. I thought, trying to hold back my irritation as the waitress bowed respectfully. "I'll have a Shirley temple." I ordered. "Wait we have choices?" Virgil asked, blinking in confusion before actually opening the menu. "Yeah?" I replied, confused as I watched his eyes widen. "I... I thought menus were just for aesthetic." Virgil admitted.

     "Oh, are you one of the kids from the Isle?" The waitress asked. Virgil tensed and nodded, looking down as if he were afraid he'd get in trouble. I smiled softly and took his hand in mine, hoping that would reassure him, but he only tensed up more. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." The waitress apologized. "Uh... It's okay... I just thought... never mind..." Virgil stammered before looking back at the menu. "Ursula's restaurant just puts whatever in front of us and we pay for it..." He muttered, trying to find out where the list of drinks was. "You have alcohol in Auradon?" He then asked in genuine surprise.

     I covered my mouth to hold back laughter, then took a deep breath before lowering my hand. "Yes, we have alcohol, but neither of us are old enough to drink it." I informed him. "Ah... I thought alcohol was illegal altogether in Auradon." Virgil admitted awkwardly before looking back at the menu. "No, it's only illegal if you're under age." I told him.

     "Fair enough... uh... Oh! I'll have coke." Virgil cheered, eyes lit up in recognition. "Alright, I'll be back later to take your order." The waitress replied before leaving. "Mom would always save stuff like coke cola for special occasions when we got some in the Isle. The bubbly ones in the dented cans are the best, they're like a fountain when you open them." Virgil told me excitedly, his guard coming down a little due to the confusion over the menus. "But usually we have to settle for the flat ones in the bottles. We had to be careful with those though, they have things in them sometimes, and they can make me sick if they have mold or bacteria or whatever. Still worth it though." He rambled excitedly.

     "Wait, what do you mean? I thought we supplied food to the Isle." I asked, looking at Virgil in confusion. "Well, yeah. Whatever food is leftover or thrown out." Virgil replied. "What?!" I reacted, shocked by this. I always thought that the Isle was at least being supplied the resources they needed to live... I thought they were being supplied with actual food. "You sound surprised Princey." Virgil chuckled. "We're villains, what'd you think they'd give us?" He dismissed.

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