Chapter 22: Where I Belong pt 1

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Remus's POV
(Warning for: Memories of threats, verbal abuse, and alcoholism.
Also warning for scars, and a slightly disturbing joke made by Remus.)

I listened at the door for Virgil and Roman to get home, and grinned when I finally heard their voices. "Remus, just sit down. You look ridiculous." Janus scoffed. He was sitting on the couch, watching the show Emile gave him. "Shh, I'm listening!" I whispered. It's ridiculous, just ridiculous the song played in my head.

"-enjoyed spending time with you." I heard Roman say when I started listening again. "Yeah... me too." Virgil stammered, giggling in a giddy way. "Uh... I'll see you tomorrow?" He then added. "Of course, my darling of the night." Roman agreed, causing me to snicker. "Alright. I'm gonna go talk to Remus." Virgil replied, causing me to bolt away from the door.

"Hush!" I told Janus as he laughed. I plopped down beside him as the door opened. Thankfully Virgil wasn't paying attention, he was watching Roman walk away with a love sick gaze. I managed to adjust myself, looking as if I had been watching the show with Janus. Eventually I heard the door close, and Jan and I looked up. "Hey Virgie! How did your date go?" I asked, grinning excitedly as I stood up and sat on the back of the couch. "It went well." Virgil stammered before giggling again. Janus raised an eyebrow at him, and I just laughed. "Seems that way." I mused.

"Anyways..." Virgil then muttered before clearing his throat. Janus sighed and paused the show. "What did you want to talk to us about?" He asked. "It's more Remus I need to talk to." Virgil admitted hesitantly. "Me?" I asked, as if I didn't already know. "Yes... You've heard about the whole missing Prince thing, right? Roman's brother?" Virgil began. "Yeah, Roman told me about that." I informed him, starting to feel confused. "Well... Roman and I both think that it might be you." Virgil revealed.

"Me?" I asked, watching as Janus became much more alert to the conversation. "But... I have the thing my Mom has with the hair." I told him. "Yeah... Apparently Roman's brother has the same thing." Virgil sighed before sitting on the coffee table. "No, that... that can't be..." I murmured, thinking it over in my mind. "That can't be true." Janus agreed, his voice tense. "Why would Cruella risk letting him go to Auradon if it was?" Janus reasoned. "Doesn't it kind of suit her sense of humour? Auradon's destruction caused by its missing Prince?" Virgil retorted. "But... That..." I hesitated, not sure how to feel about this.

"You do look a lot like him. If your hair was a lighter brown like his and you didn't have the moustache, you'd look almost exactly like him." Virgil told me. "Yeah, but... even if I am, Virgil... what would that even mean?" I asked in a desperate tone. "That all this time, I had a family in Auradon, and they had no idea who or where I was? That all this time, I could have grown up here? And, like, what would I even do about it? Like, what, do I just go to Belle and Adam like: 'Hi I'm your kid apparently.' Would they even believe me? Or would they think it's just another stupid part of the plan we had? I mean we already drugged their other son, now I'm going to waltz up and claim to be the other?" I ranted.

"Or maybe you talk to Roman, he'll find out if you are his brother, and then on Family Day, if you are Duke, you can approach his parents. Maybe they'll be so happy to have their son back, someone that both Logan and Roman can vouch is a really great person, that they'll just love and accept you as you are... I mean, if any of us deserve that, it's probably you. I think you're the one who needs that the most." Virgil assured me. I couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious. Like, not only was this so difficult to believe on its own, but then Virgil being so optimistic about it just made it all the more confusing.

"But what if I'm not him? What if he's someone else on the Isle? What if he's locked in some villains basement or something and they stop looking for him because they think I'm him?" Remus questioned. "I thought I was the one that over thinks things." Virgil teased. "How do you expect me to react Virgil? That... That would change everything! I don't even know what to feel... I mean, I could totally see Roman as my brother, but... I don't even know Belle and Adam except from stories Gaston told us. I don't know how they'll react... I don't know if they even... want me... maybe it's just Roman that... cares." I argued, choking up a bit at the end. Janus began to run my back in an attempt to comfort me.

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