Chapter 11: Concerned

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Remy's POV
(Warning for anxiety and intrusive thoughts)

Shit. Virgil's going to kill me. I thought as I checked my phone, seeing many texts spammed to me, and two vaguely threatening ones sent to the group chat. Virgil clearly didn't like that we were seemingly leaving him to do this alone. I can't blame him. Not only were we in a new place, and used to doing literally everything together, but... Virgil's part of the plan wasn't exactly easy. The least we could do was be there to support him.

"I have to go." I told Patton, watching as he happily played with the frogs. "Aww... Do you really have too?" He whined, looking up at me with big sad eyes. Dammit I thought, feeling my chest tighten. Why is this so hard? It shouldn't be hard. My thoughts complained as I cleared my throat. "Virgil needs my help with something." I explained before standing up. "Aw, alright." Patton sighed, returning the frogs to their pond before standing up. He dried his hands on his clothes, then smiled brightly at me. "Farewell, my Flower King." He stated, lowering himself into a curtsy. "Until we meet again, my..." I began, hesitating on what to call him. Okay, why is this so hard? I questioned mentally. Nicknames were usually easy...

"King of Hearts! Wait, no that's taken... Uh..." Patton murmured thoughtfully. "Oh! I'm the King of the Pond!" He cheered. "Ah," I replied, snorting a little as I held back a laugh. "So these are your citizens then." I stated, gesturing to the pond. "Well, they could be both of our citizens, if we merged our Kingdoms." Patton suggested. "And how would we do that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I wondered if he meant what I thought he meant.

Patton only giggled and started heading own the path, and I sighed as curiosity got the best of me. "Oh great King of the Pond, how may we merge our Kingdoms, and claim the Garden as our own?" I asked dramatically, grinning as I walked backwards so I could face him as we headed down the path. "Seeing as we have no children, I'm afraid there is but one way if we wish to prevent a war." Patton sighed playfully. "You forget one problem, dear rival. Assuming you're suggesting what I assume, are you not betrothed to another?" I teased. "A bold assumption, my dear Flower King." Patton returned.

I blinked, feeling my cheeks flush as Patton smirked at me... Patton smirking... That was... odd... Oh no... I thought, stumbling back and falling as Patton began to giggle. "Oh, are you okay?" Patton gasped, stopping to lend me a hand. "I... I apologize for my boldness." I stammered, staying in character. At this point, the cover of this being an exchange between characters rather than an actual exchange was my main line of defence.

Patton giggled more as he helped me up, covering his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing too much. "It's alright... but you are correct, my flower king." Patton sighed fondly as he bent down to pick up my sunglasses, which I only now realize had fallen into the ground. "Marriage is the only way to merge our Kingdoms." He told me cautiously before handing back my glasses. I felt my blood run cold, yet my cheeks burned as I accepted the glasses. Patton studied my eyes, somehow admiring them. He smiled a little sadly when I quickly put the sunglasses on... He really is odd, isn't he? I thought.

"And... What of your Queen?" I asked, watching in shock as Patton continued to walk down the trail. He hummed innocently as he walked, then paused so I could catch up. I did, and he smiled before giggling again. "Betrothals can be rearranged..." He murmured, causing my heart to leap. No... No I can't. Mom wants me to marry a prince, sure, but... This Prince specifically? She'd kill me for even suggesting she spare his life... I thought. His life... My thoughts repeated.

"Remy? Are you okay?" Patton asked, looking worried as I just stood there, frozen in place. "Remy?" He repeated. I tried to speak, but I feared that if I did speak I would start crying. So I stayed quiet. "I'm sorry, that was... uh... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Patton stammered. "We only knew each other for a couple of days, I don't really know what I was thinking, that was silly, even if we were just playing." He continued, laughing nervously at himself. "I guess I just said it because..." He continued, looking hopefully at me before shyly looking away. "Uh... Never mind..." He dismissed.

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