Chapter 24: A Busy Morning pt 1

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Third Person POV
(Warning for: Discussion about childhood trauma, and child neglect. Also warning for food.)
(More a heads up than a warning, this chapter has a lot going on (so much that it will be split into two parts now 😅) so I made it third person so the jumping heads goes more smoothly. I hope it won't be too confusing to read this way)

     The next morning, Remus was awoken by servants who were there to get him ready for his first day as the Prince of Auradon. Needless to say, that this would probably be the most difficult task in their entire career.

     Two maids opened the room's curtains, and sunlight spilled into the large bedroom. Remus murmured in his sleep as a butler came in and played a horn to wake Remus. Remus, now becoming used to waking up at his alarm, instantly sprung awake. He was ready to get ready for school and head off to meet Logan, but... When he opened his eyes, he was in a new room he didn't recognize. "What?" Remus asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms.

     "Good morning, and welcome home, Master Remus." The butler greeted. "Home?" Remus asked hesitantly, looking frightened for a moment as his mind wandered. The more his brain woke up, however, the more he remembered the night before. Relief washed over him, and he grinned as he leapt up and stood on the bed. "Oh my gosh!" He cheered excitedly, running over to the windows and opening one. He stood in the tall narrow window, grinning widely as wing blew through his unruly curls of hair. "Master Remus, please get out of the window." The butler scoffed.

     Remus giggled, taking in the view of Auradon before obeying the order. He closed the window again and spun around excitedly. "I'm a Prince! Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I thought it was a dream!" Remus squealed happily. "No, it wasn't. You have returned home." The butler informed him in a much warmer and more welcoming manner than Cogsworth had greeted him with the night before. He was still stiff and proper, but, Remus had the feeling that this guy was happy he was here.

     Before leaving, an instructor taught Remus some stretches to do in the mornings to help his muscles. They were simple things, like touching his toes or stretching up his arms. It might seem patronizing to an outside perspective, but Remus had never been taught these stretches, and it felt nice to have people care enough to teach him. It was nice, knowing that his health could be a priority now. That making sure he took care of himself was a priority now.

     After that, they brought Remus to the bathrooms, where Remus nervously explained his allergy to soap. "Well, that certainly explains a lot." The butler scoffed in disapproval. "Heh..." Remus laughed nervously. "Worry not, we will find a solution. For now, we'll simply have you washed in water." The butler decided. "Alrighty!" Remus agreed.

     Remus was scrubbed down, without soap of course. There were some areas that did have to be washed properly, like his scalp and many patches of dirt that refused to be washed by hot water and ten minutes of scrubbing alone. They used a dab of shampoo to get those out, and a bit more shampoo on Remus's scalp. This was irritating for Remus, but he was already used to having rashes and itchy spots due to his poor hygiene. They treated his rashes, scrapes, cuts, and scars, then they began to dress him and do his hair. "Uh, wait, I have a friend that designs all my clothes and he doesn't like it when I wear clothes he didn't design." Remus warned as they brushed his hair and pulled out clothes for him.

     "You can wear these for now and change when you get back to your dorm." The butler suggested. "I guess... Hopefully he won't find out." Remus replied before allowing them to dress him and take his measurements. Despite Remus's insistence, it seemed they planned on designing his clothes for him anyways. Maybe I could get Mom and Dad-I mean... Belle and Adam? I mean... Mom and Dad? Uh... Roman's parents? I don't know... Uh, maybe I can get them to make Remy the royal designer. Remus thought as they lead him out of the bathroom. Despite the rashes from his allergy, he did feel a lot better.

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