Chapter 29: Family Day; Earning Approval

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Virgil's POV

"Mom, Dad," Roman called as he brought me to their table. Remus was there, and he waved happily when he saw me. Belle, who had been talking to Remus about books she was recommending to him, looked up when she heard me approach. "This is Virgil. He's my boyfriend." Roman stated, causing me to blush and look down a little.

I never thought I could meet someone with more power over me than my mother...

Speaking of mothers, Roman's gasped and stood up, running around the table and towards me. I instinctively took a step back, and felt my body tense as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh he's adorable!" Belle cheered, causing Roman to chuckle as I groaned in embarrassment. "I'm not adorable." I growled, feeling my stomach tighten as she pulled away. Her hands stayed on my shoulders, and I glared a little as she began to laugh. "But you are! Oh look at you, you're like something out of a fantasy book!" She cheered. "That's what I said!" Roman cheered, causing me to groan again and hide my face behind my hands.

Right. What did I expect, having horns and Fae features and dating a guy who's Mom is a monster fucker?

"Belle." Roman's father warned, causing Belle to roll her eyes before pulling away. "Before you act all tough guy to this clearly terrified child, might I remind you what happened the last time you cast someone away due to your own biases, Adam?" Belle retorted, standing behind me and returning her hands to my shoulders.

Adam glared at her as she gave him a challenging smirk. For a few moments of silence, the air was tense, and I stared at the ground as Roman looked nervously between his parents. The only sound was of Remus stirring a spoon along the top of his glass. A stranger might watch him do this and think he was bored, since that's what his expression and body language communicated, but I knew him well enough to know he was nervous.

"Fine." Adam muttered, sighing in defeat. "Virgil, please join us. We would like to get to know you." He told me half heartedly. Roman lit up and sat down beside Remus, pulling out a chair for myself. I stared at the chair nervously, not completely thrilled at the idea of sitting between Roman and his father. I stood frozen there for a moment, debating between seeming rude and complying, only to be snapped out of it when Roman switched seats. Now he was sitting in the chair he had held out to me, and was offering me the chair he sat in before.

Figuring that Roman must have noticed my discomfort, I smiled thankfully at him and sat in the chair between him and Remus. They're so... Kind. I thought, surprised as I looked at Belle, who seemed to have a thousand questions but was holding herself back. Like, I figured they'd be nice, but not kind. I figured they'd feign politeness while clearly being scared of me, but... I don't know. They seem much more real than I thought they'd be, if that makes sense.

"So, if Maleficent's your mother, do you have a father?" Belle began, studying my features curiously and trying to figure out who my possible father might be. "Yeah, it's... Hades." I told her, causing her to gasp excitedly. "You're a half blood?" Roman and his mother gasped in unison. "Well, kind of? Half Fae, half God? I don't really know how it works." I admitted. "Can your hair turn to fire?" Belle asked. "I don't know. We didn't have magic there so I don't really know what I'm capable of." I told her.

It was kind of a lie, but, I figured if I told her there was a cavern that lead outside the border where we could use magic, then that cavern would get sealed off. I didn't want to get that hide out taken from any other kids that might need a place to get away for awhile. Thankfully, Roman silently sipped his drink to hide that he knew that wasn't entirely the truth. Gods... I'm lucky to have him. I thought, holding his hand under the table to show my gratitude. He smiled warmly at me as he put his drink down, and I couldn't help but smile back. Well... I guess it isn't luck, is it? My thoughts Reminded me, causing my smile to fall.

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