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(Sebastian's pov)

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long," Lucas said as he walked further into the office.

"I've been waiting for an hour, Lucas."

"Something came up," Lucas said, avoiding my questioning gaze.

"Mhm, and what was this something?"

"Well, for starters, Arabella is pregnant."

"Really?" I asked.

"She is," he said, confirming his earlier statement.

"Well, it seems like congratulations are in order then," I said, standing from my chair to congratulate my brother.

"Thank you," Lucas said, with a proud look on his face, before he took a seat behind his desk.

"Now, shall we get down to business?"

"Yes, why did you ask me to come here?" I asked.

"The pack house was attacked a few days ago."


"We tracked down an old friend of Alpha Michael's. He was able to confirm his suspicions."

"Do you know who was behind it?"

"We do. He's a demon, goes by the name of James. We also found out he's working for Daniel." Lucas stood from his chair, grabbing a folder as he rounded the desk, handing it to me.

"So, he's still alive, then?" I said, staring down at the photo of who used to be one of my closest friends.

"He is. I wasn't sure if that was the same James. It's been years since the last time I saw him."

"He still looks the same, just a little older in places," I said, feeling myself grow sad the longer I stared at his picture.

"Are you alright?" Lucas asked, picking up on my sudden mood change.

"I'm fine, just a lot of memories is all," I said, closing the file that held his picture.

"I'm assuming black magic was used?" I asked, changing the subject.

"You are correct."

"Does Arabella know?"

"She knows he works for Daniel. Michael filled her in on the rest."

"That's not what I meant, Lucas," I said.

"Then what do you mean?" he asked, giving me a questioning look.

"Does she know about my past with James?" I asked, starting to feel guilt rise up in me.

"No, she doesn't. if I'm being honest, it's none of her business," Lucas said, bringing some comfort to me.

"Thank you," I said.

The room fell into a comfortable silence. This was one thing that I loved about Lucas. It's why we're were so close to each other. He understood me, as I did him. He never expected anything from me. He just saw me as I am, as his big brother.

"I feel as though I should confess to something," Lucas said, breaking the silence.

"Oh? What sins are troubling you, my son?" I asked, receiving an annoyed look from Lucas.

"I hated when Father Lucius did that when we were growing up, and I don't like it when you do it either, Sebastian."

I couldn't help the chuckle I let out as Lucas huffed up at me.

"My apologies, brother. What's troubling you?" I asked.

"James is working as a spy for me," Lucas said.

"I'm sorry?"

"I-I know the past you have with him, but I needed someone with strong black magic to help me."

"It's not a bad past, per se, but it's not a good one either. James is a loyal friend, but he can be one hell of an enemy as well."

I'm not going to lie. He definitely caught me off guard earlier. I didn't expect him to be in contact with James.

"Didn't you say that James attacked the pack house, though?" I asked.

"I did. More than likely, Daniel ordered the hit. James knows I'm here, so he wouldn't do something like this unless he was ordered to."

"Does Arabella know of this?"

"God no. I don't even know what to do if she does find out," Lucas said, looking stressed.

"Well, hopefully she doesn't find out," I said, as Lucas sighed out.

"You look tired."

"I am tired. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be reunited with my family, but trying to keep up with all of this is exhausting."

"Just try not to wear yourself down. I have a feeling Daniel isn't going anywhere anytime soon."


Lucas had this distant look on his face, like he was zoned out or lost in thought. He soon met my questioning gaze, looking like he had something weighing him down.

"What is it,?" I asked.

"How do you think mother and father would've reacted to their perfect son doing all of this?" He questioned.

"Probably would've called everyone else a liar, and would have supported him still while still out casting us," I said.

Our parents were 'mysteriously' murdered years ago. We still suspect it was Daniel who had done it, which, if I'm being honest, Lucas and I didn't really care. Our parents only cared about Daniel. He was the first born and the favorite, the pride and joy of our family, while we were only the other two sons.

"Why do you think Daniel is doing this?" I asked.

Lucas looked hesitant, like he didn't want to say what he was thinking.

"Do you know something that I don't?"

"It's not so much of knowing, as per se, a gut feeling," he said.

"And what is this guy feeling?" I asked.

"I think the reason he's doing all of this is because his plan back fired on him."

"His plan?"

"I think Daniel got with Arabella because he wanted to make a strong child. A strong heir to keep the family going."


"I think Oliver is stronger than Daniel. I can't sense any power on Oliver honestly, but I have seen him use his power before and it was stronger than my own," Lucas said.

"So now Daniel wants to get rid of the threat to him, his own son?" I asked.

"Oliver was never a son to him. Just a pawn in his twisted game."

I sat there, taking in my brother's words. It made sense if that's what Daniel was really doing.

"So Daniels scared, hmm?"

I couldn't help but snicker at the thought, the big bad Daniel scared of his own off spring.

"I don't have proof of it, but it's just this gut feeling I have. I can't shake this feeling," Lucas said.

"No, it's definitely a possibility. It's the only thing that makes sense. Daniel has never acted like this before."

Lucas nodded his head in agreement, seeming deep in thought.

"Now the fun part. Trying to figure out that bastard's next move," I said before the door to Lucas's office opened, revealing a tired-looking Arabella.

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