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(Lucas's pov)

"What do you mean that Oliver is gone?" I yelled out, causing Benjamin to flinch.

"S-sir we d-don't know how he got a-away," Benjamin stuttered out, obliviously frightened.

"Ok, walk me through this morning's events," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"The guards did their scheduled rounds. I went to Oliver's room to get him ready for a hunt and when I got there, the door was wide open and he was gone. I had the guards do a complete once over and they couldn't find him. No one has been able to trace his scent either, sir," Benjamin said.

"What about his mother? Have you sent out anyone to check the Silver Moon territory?" I asked.

"Yes, sir."


"They were all killed, sir."

"What the hell do you mean, they were killed?"

"They didn't even make it there."

"How many?"

"Eight of them."

"All killed?" I asked.

"All killed."

"Shit," I said, moving over to the window in my office.


"Father," Benjamin said.

I turned towards him, eyeing my son, waiting for him to continue.

"What?" I asked, feeling even more annoyed.

"Maybe we should just let it be," he said, avoiding looking at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Oliver never did anything to you. So why is he having to suffer for the sins of his Father?

"So now you're taking sides?"

"He's my brother, Father. If anyone is to blame, then it's Daniel. Oliver shouldn't have to suffer for what his father has done to you," Benjamin said, his voice raising with each word he spoke.

"I know this Benjamin."

"Do you? Because I don't think you do."

"Of course I know this, but I don't have a choice in the matter," I said.

"Says who?" Benjamin asked.

All I could do was stand there, staring into the searching eyes of my son, not being able to give him an answer.

"Leave, please," I said, turning my back towards him.

"Fine," Benjamin said before leaving my office, slamming the door behind him.

My heart felt heavy by the fact that I had to keep so much from him, but there were just some things that needed to stay in the dark. There was only so much that I was willing to let him know, mainly for his safety.

This was the only way to keep them both safe, well it was until Oliver went missing last night. There was no doubt in my mind that this was Daniel's doing, but why?

Why now? Twenty-two years have passed since he was under my care. So why take him now? More importantly, why did he not notify me before?

I walked over to my armchair, slumping back against it as I let out an exhausted sigh. What was he planning to do? I looked out through the frosted windows, trying to figure out what exactly my brother was planning to do.

“Fuck,” I screamed out in frustration.

I stood from my chair, pacing back and forth, trying to wrap my mind around the situation. I slammed my fist against the stone wall, causing a loud boom to ricochet around the room, as some of the wall crumbled to the floor.

This couldn’t be happening right now. I had to find Oliver no matter what. Right now that was the only thing that mattered.


"Father," Benjamin's voice rang out as he knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I said, closing the book I was currently reading.

The door opened as Benjamin walked in, closing the door behind him.


"We've located Oliver."

"And? Where is he?"

"He is with his mother."

"I see," I said.

So I was right. Just what are you planning, Daniel?

"What would you like for us to do?" Benjamin asked.

"I'm not sure, honestly," I admitted.

I didn't know what to do. I could send more men, but they would probably just be killed again. I couldn't risk losing more of my soldiers, but I couldn't afford to let Oliver get too far away.

I just didn't know.

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