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(Saleenas pov)

It has been years since the last time I had seen my sister. As my carriage drew closer to the front of the castle, I couldn't help but be flooded with memories of my youth.

"We're here, my lady," the driver said as he opened the door.

He held his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted his hand as I exited the carriage. I made my way up the steps of the castle, vividly remembering the first time I had ever set foot on the property.

To say that I had a tough life was an understatement. At the age of fourteen, I had been through more than enough to cause a sane man to go mad.

I was a low-ranking witch. I quickly became an outcast with my own race. My mother and father were both high ranked witches, so it was a little surprising when I came out so weak, but my parents still loved with their whole hearts. Sadly, at the age of ten, I watched as the hunters tore my parents apart, limb from limb, right in front of me. The hunter's just laughed at me as I pathetically laid on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Letting out a tired sigh, I shook my head, trying to forget these awful memories from my past.

The sun had set, leaving the town in darkness, the light from the shop windows illuminating the path I walked. I pulled my hood up further over my face as I turned down an alleyway. Being on the main roads were to big of a risk, hunters were at an all-time high.

I continued down the alleyway until a noise caught my attention. I whirled around to find there was no one there with me. That was, until I had the wind knocked out of me. I was roughly shoved up against the brick wall. Before I could scream, a strong hand was placed over my mouth, muffling my pleas.

My hood was ripped off as my head was yanked back by my hair before fangs buried themselves into the flesh of my neck. My vision blurred as the stranger began to drink from me. I used what little strength I had left to push my assailant off of me.

I collapsed onto the wet pavement as I became disoriented. I tried to stand, but I couldn't move. It was as if my body was paralyzed, excruciating pain cascaded throughout my entire body. It felt as if every nerve in my body had been pierced with thousands of needles. I could feel my heart beat getting slower before it soon came to a complete stop.

I could feel myself slowly transform, my once short golden hair now hung down to my waist in raven ringlets. My once green eye's now violet with white as bright as snow coursing through them. I slowly stood as my assailant just stood there, seeming to be captivated with me, staring at me in awe.

I had this overwhelming feeling of power coursing through me. I lunged forward with inhuman speed, grabbing the assailant by his coat and slamming him against the wall.

"Who are you? What did you do to me?" I demanded, as he just smirked at me.

"You should be thanking me, dear," he said in a sickening voice.

"Thanking you. You want me to thank you? Why would I do that?"

"Look how powerful you are," he said, followed by a sinister chuckle. "Oh, I'm going to have fun with you."

"I don't think so," I said, as I used my magic to wield a silver dagger.

The only sound to be heard in the alley was the sound of the dagger slicing the man's throat open. He grabbed at his throat in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Getting a better grip on the dagger, I shoved it into his chest, piercing his heart.

A small thud could be heard when the man fell to the ground. I removed the dagger, tucking it into the waist band of my dress. I used one of the fire spells my mother had taught me and set the man on fire.

Revenge (Book One: The Silver Moon Series)Where stories live. Discover now