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"Arabella you need to wake up," Lucas said as I shot up in bed with a start.

"Lucas?" I asked, not believing my eyes, I had been here for months at this point. You imagine my surprise when I found out it was Daniel who had kidnapped me. I have been here this whole time and I still don't know what he wants with me. Every time we get around one another all we do is scream and fight with each other.

"But how?"

"Get dressed, we need to leave," he said as he hurriedly threw a robe at me.

"Could you at least tell me what's going on?" I asked, getting out of bed before putting on the robe. The door the room opened, as Noreen walked in with Elsie.

"Good she's awake. Come, we don't have much time," Noreen said.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?"

"The war, it's started," Lucas said.


"We need to leave," Lucas said, taking Elsie from Noreen's arms, cradling her close to his chest.

Noreen dropped a piece of fabric over my left shoulder, bringing it across my chest as she tied it tightly in the back. Lucas placed Elsie inside of the sling as Noreen tightened it once more to make sure Elsie was secured.

"This isn't too tight for her is it?" I asked.

"No love, it's just right. We don't need her falling out of it at any point," Noreen said reassuring me.

"Now get her out of here Lucas, before it's too late."

"Aren't you coming with us?" Lucas asked.

"I have something to take care of before I leave here. Just worry about getting your family out of here," Noreen said, before she exited the room.

Lucas reached down, taking hold of my hand as he led me out of the room. We were barely out of the room when an overwhelming smell of blood hit my nose.

"What happened here?" the wall's were splattered with blood as dead bodies littered the floor.

"They didn't give me a choice," he said, his voice low. I decided not to push the matter, it seemed best not to bring it up again.

We made our way through the hall until we reached a corridor that led to the main door.


"Yes." I tightened my grip on his hand as we made our way out of the mansion.

Once outside I was hit with an image that I  had only ever seen in my visions. The wolves were ripping the vampires to shreds, the demons and angels were fighting against one another as blood just kept spilling onto the ground. Lucas let go of my hand as he started to take his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" I asked, getting my answer once his shirt was off. Beautiful black wings expanded from his back, his wings looked as if they were glowing.

"There's no way we can get through there without either getting hurt or killed," he said as he picked me up bridal style.

"W-Wait," I said as I put a protective hand over Elsie.

"I'll keep you both safe, I swear."

Lucas thrust himself off of the ground, and into the sky, with his powerful wings we began to soar over the horrific scene beneath us. The air smelt of nothing but blood and death. With one arm I was clinging to Lucas's powerful shoulders, and with the other I clutched Elsie closer to my chest.

Making sure to protect our child, I looked up at Lucas's wings as they glided through the air, I couldn't help but notice that his wings seemed to glisten in the sun. Lucas's grip tightened around me as we began to make our descent. Lucas's feet touched the ground as he slowly lowered me to my feet.

"How're you feeling?" Lucas asked.

"I'm fine, so is Elsie."

"Arabella," a feminine voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Saleena standing on the other side of the field that we were standing in. I couldn't help but feel as if I  had been there before. That's when it hit me, I glanced around the field as panic started to fill my body. This couldn't be the same field could it? My heart dropped even more when I saw the wild flowers that cluttered the field, at that moment August came running out of the woods.

"Please no," I said from under my breath as memories of my vision came rushing back to me.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at Saleena and her mate. At that moment something from the corner of my eye caught my attention. A hunter ran out of the woods, bow in hand as he reached into his satchel, grabbing an arrow.

"Saleena," I screamed out to her, but it was to late, the arrow was plunged deep within August's chest.

"August no," Saleena screamed out as she wrapped her arms around August as they both hit the ground.

A dark brown wolf came running out of the woods, lunging at the hunter before ripping his head from his body. 

"Arabella what do I do?" Saleena sobbed out as she tried to stop the bleeding.

"Let me check her wound," Lucas said as he knelt down beside August.

When Lucas's eyes met mine, I knew the answer. I knew the answer before he even took a look at her. August was dying, and there was nothing we could do about it.

I turned to look at where the wolf had been, to now see Ezekiel standing there. Oliver came running out of the woods, quick to make his way to Ezekiel. They exchanged a few words before they both looked over to where we were all at.

"How bad is she injured?" Michael said, kneeling down to help Saleena try and stop the bleeding.

"It's bad," Lucas said.

"I found them, over here." I heard as Bradley came running over to them.

"Saleena," August choked out, as she clutched her chest.

"Arabella she's getting worse. What do I do? I can't lose her," Saleena pleaded with me

"Can't you change her?" Oliver asked once he and Ezekiel reached us.


"Son, you can't do that," Lucas said.

"Why not?" Oliver asked.

"Listen to your father," Sebastian said, joining the group, covered in blood and holding what looked to be someones head in his right hand.

"You don't want to see what happens when you mix an angels blood with anything other than their own kinds. Their blood is so pure, it's like putting poison in their veins when you try to mix it with anything else."

Olivers eyes widened, before they moved down to the head he was holding.

"Who's head is that?" Lucas asked.

"Our brothers," he said holding it up to show Daniel's face.

Micheal looked at Sebastian as if he was a dranged lunatic. I couldn't blame Michael, he don't know Sebastian like Lucas and I did.

Our attention was brought back to August when Saleena started screaming, it was only then that I realized August had taken her last breath.

"God no, please August. You can't do this to me," Saleena cried out.

"Micheal could you please remove Saleena from August," Sebastian said.

"No I'm not leaving her side," Saleena protested as Michael held her tightly against him as they stood a foot away from August's body.

"We have to go, Saleena. We need to leave before more hunters come," Micheal said, tightening his grip on her as we began to leave.

I couldn't help but wonder. Now that Daniel was dead. What was to happen now? Will the war finally be over?

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