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Things have been steadily going downhill for the past three months. Three months, it had been three months since my vision and things were just getting worse, sighing I rubbed my swollen belly, I was due any day now.

Vampires usually only carried their children for six months before they delivered, today marked my sixth month and I was scared. I wasn't scared about giving birth, I've already experienced that twice at this point. I was scared about the possibility of my vision coming true, seeing my sister like that.

Seeing Saleena lose the will to live was something that haunted me. There had been no signs from Daniels side that signaled a war was approaching them, but this was Daniel we were talking about. If anything the past proved how sneaky he was.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Probably for the best, I could use something to distract my busy mind.

"Who is it?" I asked, the door opened as Lucas walked in, holding a glass of blood in his hand.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, handing me the glass.

"Mm. Better now," I said, after have taken a sip from the glass.

Lucas walked up to me, placing his hand on my stomach. I watched as his eyes softened, his hand gently rubbing my stomach.

"I can't wait until they get here," he said.

"Me either."

I couldn't help but tense as another pain hit me. They were becoming more frequent now, at first I just ignored it, but now I was starting to think that I was finally going into labor.

"Are you alright" Lucas asked, seeming concerned.

"I think I'm in labor," I said as another sharp pain could be felt in my lower abdomen.

"Can you please go get Saleena" I said, taking a seat, hoping it would relieve some of the pressure I was currently feeling. That was until my water broke, and then the pain intensified.

Lucas gave me a hesitant look as he walked across the room to the door.

"I'll be fine, I promise," I said, in hopes of reassuring him.

Lucas turned away from me, finally leaving the room. I placed a hand to my stomach as more pain washed over me. My contractions felt like they were getting stronger by the minute, closing my eyes I tried to focus on something other than the pain. My thoughts were cut short when a cloth was pressed against my mouth and nose.

My eyes shot open as an arm wrapped around me, making sure that I couldn't get away. My vision began to blur before it eventually faded, the last thing I could  remember was being lifted into very familiar arms.

Revenge (Book One: The Silver Moon Series)Where stories live. Discover now