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"Look's like your little friend left you something else today," Michael said as he walked into the library.

"And what exactly is this something?" I asked as I closed my book.

"Well, this something is more of a someone?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I was leaving the packhouse and found him. He had this attached to him," Michael said, handing me a piece of paper.

~He has information. Keep him safe~.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"We put him in the dungeons until we had further instructions from you."

"Go get Oliver and you two meet me in the dungeons."

"Yes, ma'am."

We left the library together before heading in separate directions. I walked down the old stone staircase until I reached the foyer. I walked over to the only iron door that's in the castle. I opened the door, immediately being met by the guards who watched over this place.

They waved me through, as I made my way further into the room where I could see Bradley guarding one of the cells.

"Hello Bradley."

"Hello ma'am."

"Is this him?" I asked, gesturing towards the cell.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Open the door please," I said, as he opened the cell door.

I walked into the dark cell, only standing inches away from him as he shifted uncomfortably.

"It's you," I said in disbelief.

"Long time no see," he said as he stared at me.


I turned to see Oliver standing on the other side of the cell door, his face wearing a confused expression.

"Oliver, how do you know him?"

"He used to take care of me," Oliver said timidly.

"You're one of the people who took my son from me," I said as rage coursed through my body.

"Don't you dare compare me to that son of a bitch," he yelled out, as he shot up into a standing position, only to be yanked back down by the chains that confined him.

"So you know who this person is, then?" Michael asked, taking a step closer to where we were at.

"I do."

"Who are they?" Bradley asked.

"I can't tell you," Benjamin said as he and Oliver shared a look of understanding.

I looked between the two of them, trying to figure out what exactly their shared look meant.

"Father?" Benjamin said as his expression turned to a confused one.

"Father?" I asked. Before I could ask more, there was this strange feeling that took over the room.

It was this intense pressure that sent a chill down my spine. It wasn't just me who was feeling the presence of a strong entity, Micheal and Bradley were on high alert.

"There's someone here," Michael said right before the sound of screams from the guards that were just one floor above us could be heard.

The door to the dungeon was blown off of its hinges, as the guards that were stationed at the door went flying down the steps I had just been at only moments ago. Seconds later, a man that I thought I would never see again came walking down the steps until he reached the bottom step.

"L-Lucas?" I said in disbelief, not trusting what we'll more like who I was seeing.

Standing in front of me was a man I used to love more than anything in this world. He was my first love and if I was being honest, I still had some left over feelings for him. He looked so different now. His once bright eyes were now a dull grey. He now had grey hair in places where his once brown hair had been.

His eyes held mine for several agonizing moments before they moved to where Benjamin was at. He walked towards where Oliver and I were at. I instinctively tucked Oliver behind me, wanting to protect him at all costs. Lucas walked right past us and into the cell where Benjamin was at.

"Are you ok?" He asked Benjamin as he pulled the cuffs off of his wrist.

"I'm fine. Why are you here? Didn't you say it was too risky for you to be here?" Benjamin as he rubbed his wrist where the cuffs had once been.

"It is, but I can't let things continue like this," Lucas said as he turned towards me.

"Arabella, I need to speak with you," he said as he looked towards Bradley and Michael.


"Why should I trust you?" I said.

"Please," he said, reaching out and taking my hand in his.

"F-Fine," I said as I looked at our connected hands.

"Michael, set up the guest room for them, please," I said, pulling my hand away from Lucas's.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Oliver, sweetie, can you take Benjamin to the infirmary?"

"Yes ma'am," he said.

I watched as they left the dungeons together. I looked over to Bradley, giving him a look that said to follow them there. Bradley gave me an understanding look before he went after them.

I stood there, alone in the dungeons, with Lucas and only my thoughts. I couldn't figure out who this man was and what his motives were in all of this. How was this man even able to find Oliver when we couldn't? Sighing, I closed the cell door as Lucas and I left the dungeons, with thousands of unanswered questions clouding my mind.

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