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"Have you noticed how close Chelsea and Oliver have gotten?" I asked Elizabeth.

"So it wasn't just me who noticed then," she said as she joined me on the balcony, Chelsea and Oliver were currently in the garden, Oliver's head was in Chelsea's lap as she read to him from her book of poetry.

"Do you suppose they're mates?"

"Possibly," I said.

"How are things with Benjamin and Lucas?"

"Good actually, they still won't tell me anything about who took Oliver, though."

"Why are they hiding it from you, well, from everyone, actually?" Elizabeth asked.

"Every time I ask Oliver about it, he shuts down on me, he starts to have panic attacks. Then when I ask Benjamin about it, and Benjamin tells me that he isn't allowed to tell me, and to just be patient, that it's all going to be revealed soon," I told Elizabeth, as the door to my office opened. Lucas walked into the room, stopping once he was in front of me.

"Good evening," Lucas said.

"Good evening," I said in return as Elizabeth remained silent, watching the both of us.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me for a little walk?"

"Now? I'm a little busy at the moment."

I looked back down to where Oliver and Chelsea were at, seeing they were no longer where they had been earlier. They were now walking towards the woods, hand in hand, laughing about something one of them said.

"It's about Oliver," Lucas said, catching my attention.

Judging by the look in Lucas's eyes, I knew he was going to answer the questions I've had for so long.

"If it's Oliver you're worried about, I'm more than happy to keep an eye on him for you," Elizabeth said, finally making herself be known.

Lucas held his hand out to me, waiting for my response. I reluctantly placed my hand on his. As soon as my hand grazed his, his hand tightened around mine, making sure I couldn't pull away. He gave me a warm smile as he pulled me along with him.

"Thank you," I quickly said to Elizabeth as we walked out of the room.

Lucas quickly made use of his teleportation abilities. Clearly, wherever we were going wasn't on the Silver Moon territory. Once we had reached our destination, I looked around, trying to figure out exactly where we were.

It wasn't until I laid eyes on a very familiar Jasmine tree that I realized exactly where we were at. I slowly walked up to the tree, placing my hand on the trunk of the tree, as I sadly smiled at the memories that began to fill my head.

It was the winter I had turned sixteen. I had left the castle to go hunting. I was running through the woods not paying attention to where I was going, then all of a sudden I ran into something, well more of a someone. We both went flying in different directions, landing on the snow-covered ground with a loud thud.

"Are you alright?" a concerned voice asked.

I looked up to see a boy about my age towering over me. I opened my mouth, but no words would come out. I was speechless. He was so beautiful. I knew men weren't supposed to be considered beautiful, but that was the only thing that described him.

His hair was as golden as the sun that rose every day. I felt like I was being drawn to him. I could feel this closeness to him, even though I didn't know him.

"I-I'm ok," I stuttered out.

"G-Good," he said.

It was times like this that I wasn't sure if the redness in his cheeks was from the freezing air that surrounded us, or is he was feeling this connection as well?

Revenge (Book One: The Silver Moon Series)Where stories live. Discover now