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"Arabella, honey, wake up," a soft voice spoke.

Groaning, I pulled the covers further over my head, trying to ignore my dearest friend. Why couldn't she just let me sleep in? 

"I said wake up," Elizabeth said as she yanked the covers off of me.

Sitting up, I pushed the tangled mess that is my hair out of my face, glaring at Elizabeth, as she smiled sweetly at me. I had met Elizabeth the day of her wedding, the day that she married Daryl. 

"Elizabeth, when did you get back?" I groggily asked, as Elizabeth walked over to me with my hairbrush in her hand. 

Elizabeth has been gone for over a year now, meeting up with other kingdoms, clans, and packs, really anyone who wanted to join us. As of right now, we were in the top five of some of the most powerful kingdoms within the tri-state area, but even with that information, the hunters were still getting stronger. More and more humans were joining their side, hunting us down just to get their cheap little rewards.

"This morning, so what's this I hear about Oliver being back?" she asked as she continued to brush out my tangled hair for me.

"He showed up out of nowhere last night, some of Michael's men found him unconscious while they were doing their rounds," I said, I know that I saw him with my own eyes last night, but it just doesn't feel real. 

"So it's true then? He's really returned home after all of these years?" Elizabeth asked.

"You should see how he looks Liz, he's so skinny, looks like he hasn't eaten anything in months."

"Well, Daryl told me when I saw him this morning that the doctor has basically been letting Oliver gorge himself on blood. She's trying to get him to where he can at least walk on his own."

"Probably the best way for her to go. He'll heal faster that way," I said, standing up from the bed. I reached over, grabbing my robe, putting it on before stretching my stiff muscles.

I walked over to the wardrobe, opening the door, before pulling out one of my floral gowns, along with my petticoat.

"I'll be right back," I told Elizabeth as I entered my bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I walked further into the bathroom, placing my clothing on the bench that stood next to the porcelain tub. I quickly relieved myself before stripping myself from my robe and nightgown, dressing in my petticoat. Before stepping into my gown, I reached my arms behind me, fastening the buttons until I could no longer reach them.

I walked over to my vanity, pulling the chair out, taking a seat as I began putting my hair up in a bun. Once I had finished, I took a minute to examine myself in the mirror. My face still looked like I was in my twenties, but in reality, I'm in my forties.

I had quit aging when I was twenty-four. We vampires may quit aging, but the whole thing about us being immortal was a myth. At some point in life we will die, we just live a little longer than normal humans do. We don't just survive off of blood, we do eat human food as well. For the most part, that is normally what we survive off of, but now and then we do need to drink blood.

Sighing, I stood from my seat, walking over to the door, opening it as I walked back into my bedroom, where Elizabeth was waiting for me.

"Do you mind buttoning me the rest of the way up?" I asked as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

"Sure," she said as she walked over to where I was at.

Turning around, I stood there waiting as she finished buttoning my gown up.

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