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I woke up with a start, clutching my stomach as my contractions were just non stop at this point.

"Oh good you're awake," a woman said as she entered the room. She was tall, had long blonde hair that hung to the middle of her back in tight ringlets.

"Where am I?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Sorry dear, I can't tell you that, I was given strict instructions."

"Who are you?"

"I was informed you are in labor. My name is Noreen, I will be helping you to deliver your baby."

"I, I can't be he-," my words were cut short as pain filled every inch of my body.

"I need to push," I said, gripping a fist full of the bed sheets as another contraction washed over me, this one even stronger than the last.

Noreen walked over to the door opening it, saying something to someone, she moved away from the door as two other women and a man walked into the room. Noreen walked over to where I was at, pulling the duvet off of her.

"Arabella I need you to spread your leg's honey, it's time to get this baby out," Noreen said.

I did as I was told, ready for this pain to be over with. I spread her legs, gritting my teeth as one contraction after another washed over me.

"Alright when I get to three I need you to push as hard as you can."

I nodded my head, waiting for what felt like an eternity, before she finally started counting.

"One, two, three,"

The moment the number three left her mouth I began to push, groaning out in pain as, I could feel the baby's head.

"Very good, I can see the head," Noreen said.

Noreen counted to three once more as I started to push again. My wails of pain grew louder as the baby's head finally was pushed out.

"The baby's head it out, just give me one more big push."

I used what little strength I had left to push. I gripped the sheets even tighter as I could feel the baby's shoulders being pushed out.

"The baby's out," Noreen said, as a loud cry filled the room, she took a string tying it tightly around the umbilical cord as she took a pair of scissors, cutting the cord. Noreen wrapped the baby in a small blanket handing it to one of the other women in the room.

"Wait. Where are you taking my baby?" I frantically asked.

"She's just going to clean her up for you?" Noreen said.

"Her?" I asked

"Yes her. You had a very beautiful baby girl, congratulations," Noreen said, as the man from earlier came over with my baby wrapped in a white blanket.

"She's so beautiful," I said as tears filled my eyes.

She had Lukas's eyes, and my hair color, she was perfect. Noreen walked over to where I was at, taking a my daughter from me.

"What are you doing?" I asked reaching for my daughter, only for the man to grab a hold of my arm. I watched with horror as he pulled out a syringe.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he pushed the needle into my arm, injecting the unknown substance into my arm.

"You need rest," he said, pulling the syringe from my arm.

"Please don't take her," I slurred out, my body feeling very light as everything around me blurred.

"Sleep dear, you'll see her later I promise," Noreen said as I slipped into the darkness.

Revenge (Book One: The Silver Moon Series)Where stories live. Discover now