Chapter 10: tylers inspiration

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Two months down. Only 1 more to go until gymnastics states. Gosh damn it I'm to f-ing nervous.
There's a lite knock on my door.
"come in."
The human enters.

"Hey Tyler!" I say running up and hugging him.

"Hey sky. So how are you?" He asks too normally.

"you're asking that too normally. What up?"

"Nothing, I just know you're normally early."

"For my period?"

"Ew, ew NOOO. I meant freaking out for a meet. You normally freak out a month early. But ew."

"Were you just reading my mind?" I ask, Because I was seriously just thinking about that 5.37 seconds ago.

"Obviously not if you thought I was asking about your period."

"Ha, my bad buddy. But hey, it's nature so get over it."

"I will never, I am officially scared for life."

"Ha.ha. You're funny"

"Infinity" he says with a smirk.

"Infinity" I reply.

"Anyway," he states, "I came here to inspire you."

"Inspire me?"

"Shut up, I'm about to give a speech."

I pause making the 'zipping lips and throwing key' motion.

"Thank you. Skyler. I came in here today to inspire your soul, if you have one, and relieve the stress for your upcoming meet. You are the best gymnast I have ever watched perform, and probably my favorite gymnast to watch perform. I could watch the Olympics and not be as amazed as I would be watching you. You also have one of the most driven attitude about your sports. If you don't make a skill, you try and try again until you achieve it. I have never seen you give up, unless it was physically impossible." His voice gets soft and he's about to be serious. "Skyler, just don't give up. I believe in you, and I believe you can do that trick again. I'm not going to force you, but you can do it. Pull it out for your last meet and wow the crowd, show up the other girls, make me proud, and show god he made the right decision giving you another chance. I will be proud of you though wether you win or don't place at all. You're my little sister and I'm supposed to watch out for you and make sure you don't get hurt. Do you think I would tell you to do something if you were going to end up in that hospital bed again." His eyes are tearing up. "No, I wouldn't. I believe in you sky. I know you can do whatever you set your heart to. Just don't give up, and believe in yourself. Please." He pauses.

But that was the end of the speech. I get up and walk towards him for a hug.

We sit in eachother a embrace for a good 2 mins, both of us bawling our eyes out probably both thinking about last time I did the skill.

"Infinity sky. Infinity."

"Infinity Tyler."


Authors note:
Sorry for such a short story, but I really needed Tyler back in their because I love the brother and sister bond between them.

Thank you all so much for reading this story! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS or just tell me what you think of the story so far!

I love you all so much and I am so grateful. Read on my lovelies. ♥️

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