Chapter 2: Meeting and Greeting

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"Skyler! Hurry up! Tyler's going to drive you to school!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back nearly falling to the floor trying to put my sperry's on.

I ran down stairs, kind of happy for my first day, but at the same time nervous.

"Hey sky, ya ready?" Tyler asked me as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"As much as I will ever be." I grab a quick bite to eat, swipe my monogrammed back pack of it's hook and head out the door.

"Your going to be a new girl." My brother says with a smirk while backing out of the driveway.

"Yah, so many people are going to stare at me."

"Well it's a good thing you shaved your legs or you would be the doofus of the school." He says smirking and slightly laughing.

I shaved my legs last night and got really excited at how soft they were. So I ran into Tyler's room, yelling at him to feel my legs because they were so soft.

"Can't be too safe man." I reply back.

We eventually reach the school and pull into a parking spot. Tyler's track friends came flying towards us.

"T-dog!" They all yelled towards him.

"Hey dudes, oh hey, meet my sister, Skyler."

"Hey skyler, I'm Chris" one of the boys said. He had the same hair color as me, and wasn't bad looking.

"I'm Nate." Another with dirty blonde hair said. Nate was good looking. Whoa. His smile is gorgeous.

"You guys will be pleased to know that Skyler is currently single." Tyler winks at them.

"Tyler!?" I say smiling and slapping him in the shoulder. The boys just start laughing so I decide to say something again.

"Ok, nice meeting you guys, I'm sure I will be seeing you guys a lot more, but I have to go find my classes."

"We can show you!" All the guys say.

"Fine. But if we get lost..."

We walk inside the school and people are totally staring at me. They aren't glares, they are just

"Who's she?" Kind of stares.

When the guys and I reach my locker they lean up against the other ones and start talking. I notice guys passing me in the hallway, just staring me up and down. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a sun dress today. Some of the guys pass and just stare at my chest and butt. Perverts.

"Would you looky there," Chris says, "Skyler's getting some looks."

I look back at Chris with a glare smile then pick up my back pack. I turn to leave but Tyler catches my arm.

"See me if you need anything. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks!" I say with a smile.

"Infinity." He yells after me down the hallway.

"I look back and smile."

"Infinity!" I yell back.

I still don't know anyone at this school but hopefully that changes in my first class. English. Ew.

When I walk into class I choose a seat in the back of the class alone. I didn't want to sit in a seat and have it be someone else's. Too late.

"You're in my seat." A prissy red-head says.

"Oh I'm sorry. Here I'll move." I say very nice, and not shy.

This girl stared me hard in the eye with what seems to be a glare, but the turns to shock.

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