Chapter 5: The bet and a deal

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The dance is finally here! I'm actually pretty excited. Not because of Andrew though. Mainly because I've never been to a dance.

Hair, check, makeup. Check. Perfume. Check. Dress, check. I'm good. I put on my heels and begin to walk down the stairs like a model. Except, I fall hitting my sensitive spot. My mom rushes over to check on me. I jump up trying not to show the pain, but stumbling into the arms of a very strong dude. I look up seeing Andrew.

I actually blush instead of saying anything because I'm too embarrassed.

"Graceful." Andrew smirks as he stands me up.

"Okay you two. Time for pictures!" My mom chimes in.

"Deodorant!" I tell sprinting up the stairs noticing I forgot to put it on.

I can hear Andrew say something about me "she's beautiful."

I smile an actually blush a little. When I come back down the stairs we take some pictures and then we're off.

A convertible! That's the car Andrew drives! Omfg! He opens the door for me and then closes it as I step in. What a gentleman.

"You ready?" he says as we drive down the road with the wind blowing in our faces.

"Yes!" I yell over the music. The wind starts to blow my dress up so I have to hold it down but it keeps showing more of my thigh then I would like.

Eventually I tame my dress and just relax, but jump as I feel someone's hand touch my thigh. I sit there not knowing what to say as Andrews hand brushes up and down lightly on my thigh. But then his hand starts to drift a little too far upwards for my liking so I block it off with my hand.

I look over at him and he sticks out his lower lip.

"Sorry buddy, but that doesn't work on me." He kips his lip out but moves his hand.

When we arrive at the dance, he helps me out and we walk arm and arm into the school gym.

The music is so loud I didn't even hear Andrew ask me if I wanted to dance.



"OHHH. YAH! SURE." So we start dancing to the song timber.

"I'M SORRY!" He yells.



"I ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY!" The music began to slow into the slow song say something.

"No, I shouldn't have tried to do that to you. It was wrong of me. Especially on our first outing with eachother. I j-just....." I put my finger to his lips silencing him.

"It's alright as long as you never do it again."

He nods in agreement. The slow song continues and we stare into each other's eyes. I don't even notice how close his face is to mine when his lips just barley brush mine.

I push away though. We can't kiss. Not yet. It's not right.

"I'm sorry." I say shaking my head.

"It's Okay. You're right." We finish the slow song then walk to the food table.

"Look who it is. Miss I'm the most perfect gymnast ever so bow down to me." Some girls that were in my gym class the day I did bars.

"Leave her alone Maggie and Amber." Andrew steps in.

"Why should we, player?"

"Because she is better than you so suck it up and move on."

"And for your info he's not a player."

I chime in.

"Oh really, prove it."

"Okay how?"

"I bet y'all won't last 6 months. If Andrew can date you and ONLY you for 6 months then y'all get 50 bucks each."


"But wait. If you guys don't last, we get 50 bucks each."

"Alright I'm in. What about you Andrew."

He nods very excitedly.

The girls strut away proud of the bet we just made.

I then loom over at Andrew. Time for our own little bet. "I bet you will fall for me first."

"Excuse me?" He says

"That's right. I think you are going to fall for me before I fall for you."

"Fine, but I disagree. Let's make this a bet. And the winner had to make the loser do whatever they want." He says slowly drifting his hand to my butt and pulling me close.

I smack his hand away and then stick mine out for a hand shake. "Deal?"

"So what now girlfriend? Does her boyfriend get a kiss?"

"Nope. Just cause we have a bet doesn't mean free kisses."

"But aren't we dating now?"

"You haven't asked me." Andrew nods and then just drops the subject.


The dance finishes and we drive home.

"Andrew I only have one rule for dating me okay?"

"Okay. What is it?"

"I am not one of your toys, so you can't treat me like some rag doll only used for kissing and showing off and... Other activities."

"Wait!? You would!?!?!?- "He interrupts

I cut him off "no!!!!!! God no!!!!! I'm saying thats NOT what I want to be used for."

He puts on a pouty face and pouts.

"You can wine all you want but I would not and will not ever do anything like... That, with you."

"Finneee." He grumbles.

When we reach my house he walks me up.

"Thanks for standing up for me tonight's." I say looking for my keys.

"Anytime" Andrew responds and a really deep voice. I look up and he's towering over me. He's got one hand on my door and the other in his pocket. He leans down hoping to steal a kiss but only meeting my cheeck.

"Eh eh eh. Sorry buddy." I say unlocking the door and waking inside. Andrew remains in the same position though.

"I'm not leaving till I get a kiss." He states.

"You're going to be here a while. Night. I say closing the door and locking it. By looking through the peep hole I could see him smile and walk away. and then the butterflies were back.

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